Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Namibia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FYHH Helmeringhausen Airport Helmeringhausen
FYHN Henties Bay Airport Henties Bay
Hetaku Game Lodge Landing Site
FYHC Hilker's Cheetahdrome Otjozondjupa
Hoachanas Airport Hoachanas
FYHO Hoanib Airstrip
FYHS Hobas Airport Hobas
FYHT Hobatere Kunene
Hochfeld Airport Hochfeld
FYWH WDH Hosea Kutako International Airport Windhoek
FYHL Huab Lodge Kunene
FYIH Immenhof Erongo
FYIA Intu Africa Pan Airport Hardap
Isibis Airstrip Isibis
Judaea Strip
Julia Landing Site
FYKE Kalahari Game Lodge Airport Hardap
FYKD Kalkfeld Airport Kalkfeld
FBKF Kalkfontein Otjozondjupa
Kalkrand Pan Landing Site Kalkrand
FYKJ Kamanjab Airport Kamanjab
Kamombombe East Airport
FYNB Kansimba Landing Site Erongo
KAS Karasburg Karasburg
FYKB KAS Karasburg Airport Karasburg
FYKA Karibib Airport Karibib
FYKC Karios (Canon Lodge) Karas
FYKM MPA Katima Mulilo Airport Mpacha
Katzensteg Airport
FYKL Kaukerus Landing Site Hardap
Keetmansh Railroad Airport Keetmanshoop
FYKT KMP Keetmanshoop Airport Keetmanshoop
Keitzaub Landing Site
Kentani Landing Site
Kentucky Sud Pan Landing Site
FYRW Kerweder Airport Hardap
FYOV Khorab Safari Lodge Airport Otjozondjupa
FYKX Khorixas Airport Khorixas
FYKI Khumib Kunene
Kiripotib Landing Site Klein Nauas
Klein Aub 15M Landing Site Klein Aub
Klein Aub Pan Ok Landing Site Klein Aub
Klein Nauas Landing Site Klein Nauas
Klipdrif Airstrip
FYKS Koes Airport Koes
FYKO Kombat Kombat, Otjozondjupa
FYIM Kongola Airport Kongola
Kouwater Landing Site
Krumneck Airport Krumneck
Kub Landing Site Kub
FYKU Kuidas Kunene
FYKZ Kuzikus Khomas
FYLR La Rochelle Oshikoto
FYLW Langverwacht Gochas, Hardap
Lendepas Landing Site
FYLV Leonardville Airport Leonardville
FYLS LHU Lianshulu Airport Lianshulu Lodge
Lidfontein Landing Site
Louwater Pan Landing Site
Louwater S M7 Airport
FYLZ LUD Luderitz Airport Luderitz
Maltahoehe 4 Kal Landing Site Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe 5 Kal Landing Site Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe 6 Kal Landing Site Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe 7 Kal Landing Site Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe 8 Kal Landing Site Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe 9 Kal Landing Site Maltahoehe
FYMH Maltahoehe Airstrip Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe Airstrip Maltahoehe
Maltahoehe S Airport Maltahoehe
FYMD Mangetti Duine Otjozondjupa
FYMT Mangetti Ranch Mangetti, Kavango
FYMF Marien-Fluss Kunene
FYML Mariental Airport Mariental
FYMS Masbieker Hardap
Mbela Big Wings Landing Site
FYHM Meier Airstrip Landing Site Hardap
FYMB Meob Bay Landing Site Meob Bay
FYMG MQG Midgard Airport Midgard
FYMI Mile 72 Erongo
FYMW Moewe Bay Airport Kunene
FYMO OKU Mokuti Lodge Airport Mokuti Lodge
Morester Landing Site
Moscow Landing Site
FYME MJO Mount Etjo Airport Mount Etjo Safari Lodge
MJO Mount Etjo Lodge Mount Etjo Lodge
FYMU Mushara Lodge Oshikoto
Nabus Landing Site
FYNN Namib Naukluft Landing Site Hardap
Namibia East Air Base Impalila
FYNT Namtib Desert Lodge Karas
FYNL Namushasha River Lodge Airport Ngonga
FYNA NNI Namutoni Airport Namutoni
FYNS Narubis Karas
FYNU Naua Naua Kunene
Nauchas Landing Site Nauchas
FYSI Ndonga Linena Airstrip Shitemo
FYNP Nepara Kaukuwa, Kavango
Neuloore Landing Site
FYNR Neuras Hardap
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Dauntless Aviation

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