Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Ireland


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
EIHH Navan Airfield Navan
EINC Newcastle Aerodrome Newcastle
O'Loughlin Airstrip Monasterevin
EIML Pallas West Airstrip Toomyvara
Pettigo Airstrip Pettigo
EIPT Powerscourt Airfield (Closed) Powerscourt
IR03 Punchestown Racecourse Punchestown
EIRT Rathcoole Aerodrome Rathcoole
CHE Reeroe Airport (Closed) Caherciveen
Ruskey Airstrip
EINN SNN Shannon Airport Shannon
Skellig Michael Heliport Portmagee
EISG SXL Sligo Airport Sligo
EISP Spanish Point Airfield Spanish Point
Spollens Airstrip Tullamore
Stradbally Airstrip Stradbally
EIKD Taggarts Airstrip Clonard
Tallaght University Hospital Heliport Dublin
The Forge Airstrip Nenagh
Thurles Thurles
EITB Tibohine Airfield Tibohine
Tobertaskin Airstrip Grangemount
Tory Island Helistrip
EITT Trevet Airfield (Closed) Dunshaughlin
EITM Trim Aerodrome Trim
Warrens Airstrip Gorey
EIWF WAT Waterford Airport Waterford
EIWT Weston Airport Leixlip
Whites Airstrip Ballymaglancy
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Dauntless Aviation

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