Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Switzerland


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
LSXZ Schattenhalb-Meiringen Heliport Schattenhalb, Bern
LSXS Schindellegi Heliport Schindellegi, Schwyz
LSPF Schmerlat Airfield Neunkirch, Schaffhausen
See-Spital Horgen Heliport Horgen, Zürich
LSGS SIR Sion Airport Sion, Valais
LSZV Sitterdorf Airfield Sitterdorf, Thurgau
LSZK Speck-Fehraltorf Airfield Fehraltorf, Zürich
LSZW Thun Airfield Thun, Bern
Tiefenau Hospital Heliport Bern, Bern
LSPN Triengen Airfield Triengen, Lucerne
LSXT Trogen Heliport Trogen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden
LSMJ Turtmann Air Base (Closed) Turtmann, Valais
Uetliberg Zuerich
LSMC Ulrichen Air Base (Closed) Obergoms, Valais
University Hospital of Zurich Heliport Zürich, Zürich
LSXU Untervaz Heliport Untervaz, Graubünden
Uster Hospital Heliport Uster, Zürich
Walenstadt Hospital Heliport Walenstadt, Sankt Gallen
LSPV Wangen-Lachen Airfield Wangen, Schwyz
LSPH Winterthur Airfield Winterthur, Zürich
Winterthur Cantonal Hospital Heliport Winterthur, Zürich
Wohlen Airfield Wohlen Bei Bern
LSXW Würenlingen Heliport (Closed) Würenlingen, Aargau
LSGY Yverdon-Les-Bains Airfield Yverdon-Les-Bains, Vaud
LSEZ Zermatt Heliport Zermatt, Valais
Zug Cantonal Hospital Heliport Baar, Zug
LSZH ZRH Zürich Airport Zurich, Zürich
Zurich Children's Hospital Heliport Zürich, Zürich
LSSW Zurich Met Center Zurich
Zürich Triemli City Hospital Heliport Zürich, Zürich
Zürich Waid City Hospital Heliport Zürich, Zürich
LSTZ Zweisimmen Airfield Zweisimmen, Bern
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