Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America Cuba


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
MUMH Matahambre Airport (Closed) Minas de Matahambre
MUMT Matanzas Airport (Closed) Matanzas
Mateo Remas Airport Mateo Remas
MUCA AVI Máximo Gómez Airport Ciro Redondo
MUMJ MJG Mayajigua Airport Mayajigua
Mieles Agricultural Airfield Merceditas
Morón Agricultural Airfield Morón
MUNC ICR Nicaro Airport (Closed) Nicaro
Nueva Industria Agricultural Airfield Calimete
MUIV Nuevitas Airport (Closed) Nuevitas
MUMO MOA Orestes Acosta Airport Moa
Parque Antonio Maceo Heliport Havana
76FD Peavy Farms Havana
Pina Agricultural Airfield (Closed) Ciro Redondo
MUPR QPD Pinar del Rio Airport (Closed) Pinar del Rio
MUPB UPB Playa Baracoa Airport Havana
PST Preston Airport (Closed) Preston
Puente Guillen Agricultural Airfield Rio Cauto
MUPA UPA Punta Alegre Airport Punta Alegre
Punta de Yaba Agricultural Airfield Vertientes
MUNG GER Rafael Cabrera Airport Nueva Gerona
Reyes Agricultural Airfield La Sierpe
Roncali Heliprt Roncali
MUSG Sagua La Grande Airport Sagua la Grande
MUSA San Antonio de los Baños Airfield San Antonio de los Baños
San Carlos Airport Batalla de Las Guasimas
San German Airport San German
San Jose de Las Lajas Highway Airstrip San Jose de las Lajas
San Jose Northwest Agricultural Airfield Colombia
MUSJ SNJ San Julián Air Base Sandino
MUNB QSN San Nicolás de Bari Airport San Nicolás de Bari
San Pedro Airport San Pedro
San Pedro Highway Airstrip Havana
MUSS USS Sancti Spiritus Airport Sancti Spiritus
Santa Fe Airport La Habana
MUMZ MZO Sierra Maestra International Airport Manzanillo
MUSN SZJ Siguanea Airport Isla de La Juventud
Tranqueras Agricultural Airfield Calimete
Turiguanó Airfield Turiguanó
Union de Reyes Agricultural Airport (Closed) Union de Reyes
Vertientes Agricultural Airfield Vertientes
MUCL CYO Vilo Acuña International Airport Cayo Largo del Sur
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