Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Michigan


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
8MI5 Schiller Heliport Howell, MI
KISQ ISQ ISQ Schoolcraft County Manistique, MI
07MI Scott Airstrip (Closed) Lake, MI
5MI3 Scotts Landing Heliport Owosso, MI
7MI9 Scs Heliport Scs, MI
98G Sebewaing Township Sebewaing, MI
KMTC MTC MTC Selfridge Angb Mount Clemens, MI
M99 Shady Lane St Johns, MI
4M4 Shady Lawn Fld Bannister, MI
MI77 Shafter (Closed) Galesburg, MI
2E2 Sharpe's Strip Emmett, MI
MI55 Silver City Airpark (Closed) Alpena, MI
MI71 Silver Lake Mears, MI
52MI Six C's Heliport Oakland Township, MI
Y59 Six Mile Heliport Frankfort, MI
60G Skyway Estates Eaton Rapids, MI
11C Skyyharbour Seaplane Base Kalamazoo, MI
2MI3 Somers Lane Ashley, MI
2MI5 Somerville Ada, MI
3MI2 South Fox Island Northport, MI
KLWA LWA South Haven Area Rgnl South Haven, MI
1MI9 Southfork Marquette, MI
7MI2 Southwest Lakes Airpark Sawyer, MI
KBEH BEH BEH Southwest Michigan Rgnl Benton Harbor, MI
69MI Sparrow Clinton Hospital Heliport St Johns, MI
08MI Sparrow Hospital Heliport Lansing, MI
6MI5 Sparrow Ionia Hospital Heliport Ionia, MI
24MI Ssj Heliport Hickory Corners, MI
KPHN PHN PHN St Clair County Intl Port Huron, MI
6Y6 St Helen St Helen, MI
2MI2 St Mary Mercy Hospital Heliport Livonia, MI
Y73 Stambaugh Iron River, MI
MI12 State Police Hq Heliport (Closed) East Lansing, MI
0MI2 Stier Airstrip (Closed) Glennie, MI
MI58 Stony Acres (Closed) Sunfield, MI
41MI Sturgis Hospital Heliport Stugis, MI
Y04 Sugar Loaf Resort (Closed) Traverse City, MI
5M6 Sugar Springs Airpark Gladwin, MI
0MI0 Sumner Heliport (Closed) Grand Rapids, MI
6MI5 Survival Flight Heliport (Closed) Ann Arbor, MI
4MI3 Swan Lake Heliport Allegan, MI
MI91 T & M Companies Heliport (Closed) Wixom, MI
07D Tackaberry (Closed) Avoca, MI
MI60 Tannehill Airfield Fife Lake, MI
MI95 Taylors Flight Park (Closed) Cassopolis, MI
MI94 Tc Helicopter Heliport Traverse City, MI
22T Tecumseh Mills Tecumseh, MI
36MI Tecumseh Products (Closed) Tecumseh, MI
49MI Tegethoff Heliport (Closed) Wayland, MI
2MI6 The Farm Whittemore, MI
00MI The Waldron Way Heliport Davison, MI
1MI7 Thompson (Closed) Selkirk, MI
7Y2 Thompsonville Thompsonville, MI
MI19 Thorn (Closed) Custer, MI
9MI4 Thorn Health Center Heliport (Closed) Hudson, MI
7MI3 Thrall Lake Vicksburg, MI
81MI Three Rivers Health Heliport Three Rivers, MI
KHAI HAI HAI Three Rivers Muni/Dr Haines Three Rivers, MI
64MI Ti Heliport Utica, MI
84MI Timbers Sky Camp (Closed) South Branch, MI
C88 Tkaczyk Fld Oakley, MI
KDUH DUH DUH Toledo Suburban Lambertville, MI
MI92 Toms Helipad Heliport Mason, MI
MI75 Torchlake Heliport Kewadin, MI
59M Torchport Eastport, MI
83MI Trinity Health - Oakland Campus Heliport Pontiac, MI
84MI Trinity Health Grand Haven Hospital Heliport Grand Haven, MI
MI63 Trinity Health Grand Rapids Heliport Grand Rapids, MI
9MI0 Trinity Health Systems Ann Arbor Heliport Ypsilanti, MI
36MI Trinity Health-Muskegon Campus Heliport Muskegon, MI
2H4 Triple H (Closed) Parchment, MI
39T Tripp Creek St Johns, MI
9MI6 Trollman's Field (Closed) Fenton, MI
8MI0 Trowbridge Farms (Closed) South Haven, MI
1MI6 Trudeau Milan, MI
42MI Turner Heliport Birch Run, MI
KCFS CFS Tuscola Area Caro, MI
5MI6 Tv2 Heliport Southfield, MI
MI55 Twin Lakes Lewiston, MI
0MI8 Twin Lakes (Closed) Lewiston, MI
6Y5 Two Hearted Airstrip Newberry, MI
MI67 Tyrone (Closed) Bailey, MI
MI32 Ummc Heliport Ann Arbor, MI
41G University Airpark Bath, MI
18MI Vacottage Heliport (Closed) Gladwin, MI
2T7 Van Camp's Heliport Tecumseh, MI
6Y4 Van Effen Fld Rock, MI
26MI Van Strien Lowell, MI
6H4 Van Wagnen Napoleon, MI
2MI8 Vassar Fld (Closed) Vassar, MI
1MI8 Vlachos Acres Hubbard Lake, MI
3MI1 Volare North Heliport Harrietta, MI
MI80 Wabasis Lake Greenville, MI
11MI Wagner's Landing Heliport (Closed) Clarkston, MI
9MI4 Waite Fld Durand, MI
7MI7 Walker Cooper, MI
M86 Walle Fld Pullman, MI
MI15 Wards Long Acres Fair Haven, MI
40C Watervliet Muni Watervliet, MI
MI74 Wdiv-Tv Channel 4 Heliport Detroit, MI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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