Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Minnesota


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
40MN Turner Fld Bingham Lake, MN
MN73 Turtle Bay Seaplane Base Cohasset, MN
MN78 Turtle Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Bemidji, MN
MN99 Two Harbor Fire Department Heliport Two Harbors, MN
15MN Tyler Farms Watkins, MN
63Y Tyler Muni Tyler, MN
MY62 Ultraflyte, Inc Ultralight Jenkins, MN
6MN8 Underland Airstrip (Closed) Medford, MN
MN14 United Hospital District Heliport Blue Earth, MN
MY65 University of Mn Hospitals & Clinics Heliport Minneapolis, MN
98MN Up Yonder Bemidji, MN
6MY8 Usfs Seaplane Base Ely, MN
2MN6 Van Normans St Charles, MN
28MN Vasa Park Seaplane Base (Closed) Spring Park, MN
MN95 Velo Airstrip (Closed) Rothsay, MN
8MN5 Vieira (Closed) Lino Lakes, MN
09MN W Johnson Field (Closed) Hazel Run, MN
9MN2 Wabana Seaplane Base Grand Rapids, MN
KADC ADC Wadena Muni Wadena, MN
36MN Wagner Farm (Closed) Barnesville, MN
MY35 Walker Fld Afton, MN
Y49 Walker Muni Walker, MN
MN61 Ward (Closed) Hollandale, MN
D37 Warren Muni Warren, MN
KRRT RRT RRT Warroad Intl Meml Warroad, MN
KACQ ACQ Waseca Muni/Maynard Richard Stensrud Fld Waseca, MN
KVWU VWU VWU Waskish Muni Waskish, MN
MN37 Wayzata Bay Landing Seaplane Base Wayzata, MN
MN00 Webb Lake Hackensack, MN
63MN Weideman Intl Two Harbors, MN
MN43 Welia Health Heliport Mora, MN
68Y Wells Muni Wells, MN
MN23 West Wind Littlefork, MN
29MN Wetenkamp Tintah, MN
1MN0 Wetherbee Farm Tenney, MN
95MN Whaletail Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Minnetrista, MN
KETH ETH Wheaton Muni Wheaton, MN
9MN8 Whiskey Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Brandon, MN
7MN5 White Bear Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) White Bear Lake, MN
MN35 Wild Rice Lake Seaplane Base Duluth, MN
1MN4 Wildhurst Pines Seaplane Base Excelsior, MN
7MN8 Willis Thief River Falls, MN
KBDH BDH Willmar Muni/John L Rice Fld Willmar, MN
KILL ILL ILL Willmar Muni-John L Rice Field (Closed) Willmar, MN
49MN Willow Ridge Hastings, MN
MN53 Windom Area Hospital Heliport Windom, MN
KMWM MWM MWM Windom Muni Windom, MN
0MN0 Winner's Landing Seaplane Base St Paul Park, MN
MN39 Winona Health Services Heliport Winona, MN
KONA ONA ONA Winona Muni/Max Conrad Fld Winona, MN
10D Winsted Muni Winsted, MN
2MN1 Winter Strip Gluek, MN
35MN Wipline Inver Grove Heights, MN
09Y Wipline Seaplane Base Inver Grove Hgts, MN
KOTG OTG OTG Worthington Muni Worthington, MN
69MN Yaggie Pvt Breckenridge, MN
2MY2 Zarn Amboy, MN
33MN Zenith Landing Hinkley, MN
MN71 Ziermann (Closed) Mayer, MN
50MN Zimmerman (Closed) Herman, MN
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Dauntless Aviation

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