Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Montana


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
M35 Lindey's Landing West Seaplane Base Seeley Lake, MT
MT69 Littlebear Thompson Falls, MT
00MT Livingston Healthcare Heliport Livingston, MT
MT66 Livingston Memorial Hospital Heliport (Closed) Livingston, MT
0MT9 Lone Hawk Whitefish, MT
1MT4 Lonewood Meadows (Closed) Helena, MT
MT46 M4 Strip East Helena, MT
MT10 Mackay Ranch (Closed) Roscoe, MT
3MT4 Maddox Ranch Company Chinook, MT
KGFA GFA GFA Malmstrom AFB Heliport Great Falls, MT
M75 Malta Malta, MT
MT14 Marco Bay Heliport Somers, MT
93MT Masonry Fld Bigfork, MT
08MT Matovich Grass Range, MT
0S1 Meadow Creek Usfs Meadow Creek, MT
MT47 Metzel Creek Lakeview, MT
9S4 Mineral County Superior, MT
MT64 Mineral County Hospital Heliport Superior, MT
KLVM LVM LVM Mission Fld Livingston, MT
KMSO MSO MSO Missoula Montana Missoula, MT
MT44 Missoula Unit Heliport Missoula, MT
55MT Missouri River Ranch (Closed) Craig, MT
9MT8 Monger (Closed) Bozeman, MT
MT68 Montfort Ranch Cameron, MT
86MT Moose City Polebridge, MT
MT07 Moose Country Heliport Rexford, MT
7U4 Morgan (Closed) Morgan/Loring/, MT
5M7 Mountain Lakes Field (Closed) Helena, MT
MT84 Mower Field (Closed) Kalispell, MT
19MT N Bar Ranch Grass Range, MT
MT58 Nelson Haxby / Fort Peck, MT
MT52 Nine Mile Huson, MT
1MT0 Nine Quarter Circle Ranch Gallatin Gateway, MT
3MT6 Nistler Bozeman, MT
30MT Nistler Helena Helena, MT
MT91 North Country Pad Heliport (Closed) Bigfork, MT
MT87 Oglesby Farms Inc (Closed) Peerless, MT
MT04 Olfert Lustre, MT
S00 Opheim Opheim, MT
MT13 Ostlunds Billings, MT
MT36 Ottertail Lake Three Forks, MT
MT94 Ousel Falls Big Sky, MT
MT01 Owen Bros Geraldine, MT
09MT Paint Creek Ranch Sula, MT
9MT0 Pale Morning Dun Ranch Fort Smith, MT
MT66 Parcel Six Ranch Florence, MT
45MT Pester Hingham, MT
MT77 Peterson Ranch Highwood, MT
MT81 Petty Creek Mountain Ranch Alberton, MT
9MT9 Pierces Belgrade, MT
0MT7 Pinehurst Ranch Thompson Falls, MT
S34 Plains Plains, MT
04MT Pluhar Cohagen, MT
8S1 Polson Polson, MT
MT34 Ponderosa Clarkston, MT
PO1 Poplar (Closed) Poplar, MT
PO1 Poplar Muni Poplar, MT
4MT5 Port Smith Heliport Helena, MT
96MT Powers Propair Service Laurel, MT
20MT Prevost Lambert, MT
1MT7 Prill Fld Sand Coulee, MT
41MT R & R Fld Heron, MT
27MT Rahn Kalispell, MT
MT96 Ram Ranch Runway Helena, MT
MT26 Ranch Strip (Closed) Great Falls, MT
KHRF HRF Ravalli County Hamilton, MT
KRED RED RED Red Lodge Red Lodge, MT
MT61 Red Mountain Heliport (Closed) Helena, MT
MT85 Redfield Ag Strip (Closed) Opheim, MT
31MT Reverse 5 Bar M Great Falls, MT
7U8 Richey Richey, MT
U05 Riddick Fld Philipsburg, MT
2MT4 River Bend Ranch Heliport Ferndale, MT
MT10 Riverside Heliport Kalispell, MT
RC0 Rock Creek Clinton, MT
7S0 Ronan Ronan, MT
98MT Rosemont Stevensville, MT
7S8 Ross Intl Sweetgrass, MT
M62 Rotorcraft Heliport Hamilton, MT
KRPX RPX RPX Roundup Roundup, MT
KRVF RVF Ruby Valley Fld Twin Bridges, MT
MT34 Ruff (Closed) Custer, MT
M42 Russian Flat Russian Flat, MT
2MT1 Ryan Fld West Glacier, MT
8U0 Ryegate Ryegate, MT
44MT S&L Edwards Columbus, MT
MT79 Sand Creek Wildlife Station Roy, MT
8U1 Sand Springs Strip Sand Springs, MT
MT37 Sanders Kalispell, MT
MT89 Sands Kalispell, MT
00MT Sands Ranch (Closed) Havre, MT
14MT Sandy Rock Gildford, MT
15MT Saubak Lustre, MT
8U2 Schafer /Usfs/ Schafer, MT
9S2 Scobey Scobey, MT
8U3 Scobey Border Station/East Poplar Intl Scobey, MT
23S Seeley Lake Seeley Lake, MT
KSBX SBX SBX Shelby Shelby, MT
KPWD PWD PWD Sher-Wood Plentywood, MT
84MT Shimmon (Closed) Corvallis, MT
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Dauntless Aviation

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