Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States New Mexico


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
NM07 Home Heliport Peralta, NM
NM23 Ihs Hospital Heliport (Closed) Mescalero, NM
NM83 Industrial Airpark Hobbs, NM
NM49 J & M Farms Willard, NM
NM87 Jenkins Roswell, NM
13Q Jewett Mesa Apache Creek, NM
24N Jicarilla Apache Nation Dulce, NM
NM03 K-D Field (Closed) Dexter, NM
NM34 Keelin Heliport Alamogordo, NM
NM04 Keller Field (Closed) Farmington, NM
83NM King Ranch (Closed) Pie Town, NM
NM82 Krqe Heliport (Closed) Albuquerque, NM
NM67 La Mesa Park (Closed) Raton, NM
KLRU LRU LRU Las Cruces Intl Las Cruces, NM
KLVS LVS LVS Las Vegas Muni Las Vegas, NM
KHOB HOB HOB Lea County Rgnl Hobbs, NM
E26 Lea County/Jal Jal, NM
E06 Lea County/Zip Franklin Meml Lovington, NM
NM25 Lincoln Station Corona, NM
E32 Lindrith Airpark Lindrith, NM
59NM Lockmiller & Sons (Closed) Clovis, NM
KLSB LSB LSB Lordsburg Muni Lordsburg, NM
KLAM LAM LAM Los Alamos Los Alamos, NM
NM15 Los Alamos Medical Center Heliport Los Alamos, NM
NM93 Lovelace Rgnl Hospital - Roswell Heliport Roswell, NM
NM50 Lovelace Westside Hospital Heliport Albuquerque, NM
NM26 Luna Landing Deming, NM
N29 Magdalena Magdalena, NM
NM89 Manzano Mtn Air Ranch Los Lunas, NM
NM77 Meml Medical Center Heliport Las Cruces, NM
1NM0 Me-Own Silver City, NM
7NM1 Mesa Verde Ranch Strip Alamogordo, NM
E98 Mid Valley Airpark Los Lunas, NM
NM04 Mimbres Meml Hospital Heliport Deming, NM
03NM Miner's Colfax Medical Center Heliport Raton, NM
NM30 Mitchell Farms (Closed) Bellview, NM
57NM Monte Prieto Ranch Claunch, NM
0E0 Moriarty Muni Moriarty, NM
N01 Mosquero Emergency Services Heliport Mosquero, NM
M10 Mountainair Muni Mountainair, NM
NM99 Murrow Fld ON The Divide Gavilan, NM
NM56 Mystic Bluffs Ramah, NM
84NM Nalda Ranch (Closed) Pie Town, NM
1V0 Navajo Lake Navajo Dam, NM
0NM7 Negrito Airstrip Reserve, NM
NM61 New Mexico Soaring Ranch (Closed) Albuquerque, NM
NM94 Nor Lea County General Hospital Heliport Lovington, NM
E14 Ohkay Owingeh Espanola, NM
NM18 One Particular Harbour Ultralight Deming, NM
80E Oscura AAF Aux (Closed) Oscura, NM
72NM Otero Mill La Luz, NM
NM76 Park Springs (Closed) Anton Chico, NM
NM21 Patterson Ranch (Closed) Stanley, NM
NM45 Pay Jay Nr 1 Heliport Artesia, NM
NM46 Pay Jay Nr 2 Heliport Artesia, NM
NM86 Playas Air Strip Playas, NM
85NM Playas Medical Bldg Heliport Playas, NM
NM66 Poco Loco Pie Town, NM
NM30 Porcupine Ridge Pie Town, NM
KPRZ PRZ Portales Muni Portales, NM
NM39 Presbyterian Hospital Heliport Albuquerque, NM
NM21 Presbyterian Santa Fe Medical Center Heliport Santa Fe, NM
NM59 Price's Dairy (Closed) Albuquerque, NM
NM80 Quemado Quemado, NM
N24 Questa Muni Nr 2 Questa, NM
NM68 Rael Ranch Horse Pasture (Closed) Horse Springs, NM
NM54 Rainy Mesa Airstrip Reserve, NM
NM01 Rancho Magdalena Magdalena, NM
NM13 Rancho Milagro Heliport Taos, NM
KRTN RTN RTN Raton Muni/Crews Fld Raton, NM
NM17 Ray Ranch Roy, NM
N02 Red River Heliport (Closed) Red River, NM
T16 Reserve Reserve, NM
NM70 Rodeo Rodeo, NM
NM29 Rosebud Rosebud, NM
KROW ROW ROW Roswell Air Center Roswell, NM
NM19 Ruidoso Heliport Ruidoso, NM
NM61 Runway Bay Logan, NM
NM36 Rust Medical Center Heliport Rio Rancho, NM
98NM S & S Ranch (Closed) Wagon Mound, NM
NM23 S&J Heliport Alamogordo, NM
NM16 Sacaton Buckhorn, NM
NM53 San Miguel Ranch Las Vegas, NM
1N1 Sandia Airpark Estates East Edgewood, NM
50NM Sandoval Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Rio Rancho, NM
NM27 Sanostee Gallup, NM
KSAF SAF SAF Santa Fe Rgnl Santa Fe, NM
KSXU SXU Santa Rosa Route 66 Santa Rosa, NM
62NM Seven Rivers Carlsbad, NM
5V5 Shiprock Airstrip Shiprock, NM
NM79 Shoestring Ranch (Closed) Organ, NM
KSRR SRR Sierra Blanca Rgnl Ruidoso, NM
NM22 Sierra Vista Hospital Heliport Truth Or Consequences, NM
NM62 Sjrmc Heliport Farmington, NM
82NM Skeen Ranch Picacho, NM
NM88 Skywagon Farm Bosque, NM
NM88 Skywagon Farm (Closed) Veguita, NM
NM35 Socorro General Hospital Heliport Socorro, NM
KONM ONM ONM Socorro Muni Socorro, NM
NM08 Solo Ranch Deming, NM
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