Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States South Dakota


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
00SD Homan Fld Gary, SD
KHSR HSR Hot Springs Muni Hot Springs, SD
9F8 Hoven Muni Hoven, SD
SD53 Howard Fld Beresford, SD
8D9 Howard Muni Howard, SD
SD47 Hunt Fld Eagle Butte, SD
KHON HON HON Huron Rgnl Huron, SD
SD60 Ike John Private (Closed) Strool/Prairie City, SD
SD25 Infinity Landing Piedmont, SD
SD43 Ingle Cavour, SD
3Y7 Isabel Muni Isabel, SD
SD46 Jensen Dell Rapids, SD
KFSD FSD FSD Joe Foss Fld Sioux Falls, SD
0SD8 Juhnke (Closed) Vivian, SD
5V8 Kadoka Muni Kadoka, SD
3SD2 Kauer Private Box Elder, SD
SD18 Keystone Heliport Rapid City, SD
SD08 Keystone Xl Colome Heliport Colome, SD
SD04 Keystone Xl Opal Heliport Opal, SD
SD07 Keystone Xl Philip Heliport Philip, SD
6A6 Kimball Muni Kimball, SD
8D8 Lake Andes Muni Lake Andes, SD
SD2 Lake Cochrane Seaplane Base Gary, SD
Y34 Lake Preston Muni (Closed) Lake Preston, SD
SD83 Lee De Smet, SD
KLEM LEM LEM Lemmon Muni Lemmon, SD
0SD0 Lenling Glencross, SD
3SD6 Living Earth Heliport (Closed) Watertown, SD
SD75 Livingston (Closed) Stickney, SD
0SD1 Lodi Wakonda, SD
SD59 Lone Tree Crocker, SD
18SD Lost Creek Miller, SD
SD94 Lundin Revillo, SD
20SD Lutgen White, SD
16SD Madison Community Hospital Heliport Madison, SD
KMDS MDS Madison Muni Madison, SD
SD84 Marone (Closed) Huron, SD
9V6 Martin Muni Martin, SD
Y14 Marv Skie-Lincoln County Tea, SD
8D6 Mc Intosh Muni (Closed) Mc Intosh, SD
2SD1 Mc Kennan Hospital Heliport Sioux Falls, SD
5P2 Mc Laughlin Muni Mc Laughlin, SD
SD29 Menno (Closed) Menno, SD
SD77 Mettler Menno, SD
SD09 Mid-Dakota Hospital Heliport Chamberlain, SD
SD26 Mike Jacob Sturgis Heliport (Closed) Sturgis, SD
1D1 Milbank Muni Milbank, SD
KMKA MKA Miller Muni Miller, SD
0V6 Mission Sioux (Closed) Mission, SD
KMHE MHE MHE Mitchell Muni Mitchell, SD
SD90 Mitchells Strip Spearfish, SD
SD01 Mj Aviation I Letcher, SD
SD00 Mj Aviation II Elk Point, SD
KMBG MBG MBG Mobridge Muni Mobridge, SD
SD80 Mobridge Rgnl Hospital Heliport Mobridge, SD
SD02 Mogensmark Heliport Twin Brooks, SD
SD79 Monty Harer Airstrip (Closed) Hoven, SD
SD86 Monument Health Custer Hospital Heliport Custer, SD
8F6 Murdo Muni Murdo, SD
2SD4 Nicolaisen Mount Vernon, SD
9SD8 Oakleaf Hartford, SD
0SD6 Oasis Ranch (Closed) Philip, SD
SD97 Oller Vivian, SD
98D Onida Muni Onida, SD
2SD0 Paradise Valley Nemo, SD
8V3 Parkston Muni Parkston, SD
2SD2 Pepper Port (Closed) Bonesteel, SD
KPHP PHP PHP Philip Philip, SD
KPIR PIR PIR Pierre Rgnl Pierre, SD
KIEN IEN IEN Pine Ridge Pine Ridge, SD
SD96 Pioneer Meml Hospital Heliport Viborg, SD
SD87 Platte Community Meml Hospital Heliport Platte, SD
1D3 Platte Muni Platte, SD
SD61 Plihal Farms Tyndall, SD
0SD7 Porch Ranch Wanblee, SD
0SD2 Prairie Lakes West Heliport Watertown, SD
5P5 Presho Muni Presho, SD
SD89 Priebe Landing Strip (Closed) Pukwana, SD
SD56 Ralph Myers (Closed) Onida, SD
KRAP RAP RAP Rapid City Rgnl Rapid City, SD
SD40 Rapid City Rgnl Hospital Heliport Rapid City, SD
SD25 Rappe Fld (Closed) Ipswich, SD
1D8 Redfield Muni Redfield, SD
1SD7 Rosebud Comprehensive Health Care Facility Heliport Rosebud, SD
KSUO SUO Rosebud Sioux Tribal Rosebud, SD
3SD6 Running Colors (Closed) Rapid City, SD
SD42 Rushmore Heliport Keystone, SD
SD70 Rushmore Heliport (Closed) Keystone, SD
1SD9 Sanford Usd Medical Center Heliport Sioux Falls, SD
SD62 Schaller (Closed) Verdon, SD
SD30 Selle Bonesteel, SD
SD41 Shambo Ranch (Closed) Lemmon, SD
26SD Shooting Star Ranch Heliport Radip City, SD
8D3 Sisseton Muni Sisseton, SD
SD33 Sky Ranch For Boys Camp Crook, SD
Y03 Springfield Muni Springfield, SD
SD73 Staben Strip (Closed) Philip, SD
SD91 Star Aviation Nr 1 Heliport (Closed) Spearfish, SD
17SD Stone's Conservation Gary, SD
2SD3 Strouckel Farm Roscoe, SD
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Dauntless Aviation

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