Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Vermont


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
VT39 Taylor Wolcott, VT
VT01 Teal Farm Huntington, VT
VT24 Torrey (Closed) Shoreham, VT
VT42 Two Tails Morrisville, VT
67VT University of Vermont Medical Center Heliport Burlington, VT
VT16 Velco Heliport (Closed) Rutland, VT
VT28 Vergennes Armory Heliport Vergennes, VT
VT72 Villeneuve Fld Jericho, VT
VT27 Villeneuve Heliport (Closed) Underhill, VT
VT88 Vtpad Heliport South Lincoln, VT
0B7 Warren-Sugarbush Warren, VT
VT40 Wenlock Crossing Heliport Ferdinand, VT
VT56 West Burke Aerodrome West Burke, VT
VT24 West Street Property Heliport Cornwall, VT
KDDH DDH DDH William H Morse State Bennington, VT
VT35 Williston Armory Heliport (Closed) Williston, VT
VT37 Windsor Armory Heliport Windsor, VT
VT33 Yankee Kingdom (Closed) West Addison, VT
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Dauntless Aviation

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