Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Virginia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
63VA Mannboro Medical Center Heliport (Closed) Mannboro, VA
04VG Manquin Flight Park Ultralight Manquin, VA
VG57 Maples Fld Catlett, VA
VA01 Marty 1 Heliport (Closed) Coeburn, VA
8VA8 Mary Immaculate Hospital Heliport Newport News, VA
KAPH APH APH Mary Walker Lz Bowling Green, VA
6VA7 Mary Washington Hospital Heliport Fredericksburg, VA
5VA4 Matts Richmond, VA
13VG May Heliport Salem, VA
VG24 Mayers Ashland, VA
VA73 Mazza Matoaca, VA
0VA6 Mc Guire Va Medical Center Pad Heliport Richmond, VA
2G6 Mc Laughlin Seaplane Base Chester, VA
69VA Meadow Farm (Closed) Ashland, VA
VG00 Mears Field (Closed) Eastville, VA
KAVC AVC AVC Mecklenburg-Brunswick Rgnl South Hill, VA
83VA Medical Heliport (Closed) Williamsburg, VA
2VA2 Melville Airstrip Surry, VA
VG34 Merifield Clarksville, VA
2VA3 Merlin Aerodrome Amelia Court House, VA
1VA1 Micro Stuart, VA
KFYJ FYJ Middle Peninsula Rgnl West Point, VA
VG56 Midway Bloxom, VA
91VA Miller Bedford, VA
6VA8 Mirador Heliport Crozet, VA
VG08 Montgomery Rgnl Hospital Heliport Blacksburg, VA
VA27 Moorefield's Airstrip Critz, VA
VA21 Morven Farms Heliport Charlottesville, VA
0VA0 Mostly Harmless Heliport (Closed) Bumpass, VA
06VA Mount Horeb Fld Grottoes, VA
VA82 Mount Vernon Hospital Heliport Alexandria, VA
KMKJ MKJ Mountain Empire Marion/Wytheville, VA
8VA9 Mountain View Rgnl Medical Center Heliport (Closed) Norton, VA
VA17 Mulberry Run Strasburg, VA
3VG4 Murdocks Flying V (Closed) Boydton, VA
23VG Murdock's Holly Bu (Closed) Boydton, VA
10VA Nashs Appomattox, VA
65VA Nat'l Hosp For Orthopaedics/Rehabilitation Heliport (Closed) Arlington, VA
VG31 Nester Funny Farm Laurel Fork, VA
VA85 New Castle Intl New Castle, VA
W96 New Kent County Quinton, VA
W90 New London Forest, VA
8W2 New Market New Market, VA
92VA New Quarter Farm Gloucester, VA
KPSK PSK PSK New River Valley Dublin, VA
86VA Newport News General Hospital Heliport Newport News, VA
KPHF PHF PHF Newport News/Williamsburg Intl Newport News, VA
VA53 Nichols Heliport White Stone, VA
2VA6 Nimcock Saluda, VA
KORF ORF ORF Norfolk Intl Norfolk, VA
KNHU NHU Norfolk NS Norfolk, VA
KNGU NGU NGU Norfolk NS (Chambers Fld) Norfolk, VA
6VA7 Northampton Accomack Memorial Hospital Heliport (Closed) Nassawadox, VA
02VG Northstar Aviation Heliport (Closed) Bristol, VA
75VA Norton Community Hospital Heliport Norton, VA
KNCY NCY Nws Helipad Heliport Yorktown, VA
KNTU NTU NTU Oceana NAS (Apollo Soucek Fld) Virginia Beach, VA
VA40 O'Gara Tech Training Facility Heliport Danville, VA
32VA Old South Aerodrome (Closed) Abingdon, VA
VG20 Onley Onley, VA
KOMH OMH Orange County Orange, VA
VA02 Pace Ridgeway, VA
CD27 Page Meml Hospital Heliport Luray, VA
VA20 Painter Fld Painter, VA
32VA Pavilion Heliport (Closed) Virginia Beach, VA
VG05 Payne Kents Store, VA
VA92 Peace and Plenty Farm Onancock, VA
79VG Perkey Eagle Rock, VA
VG14 Philip M Grabill Jr Meml Heliport Woodstock, VA
01VA Pickles Berryville, VA
VA05 Pilots Grove (Closed) Charles City, VA
VA94 Plainview Powhatan, VA
4VA9 Pleasantdale Fld Rixeyville, VA
VA84 Point Farm Heliport Cape Charles, VA
4VA2 Potomac Hospital Helistop Heliport (Closed) Woodbridge, VA
3VG9 Potts Landing South Boston, VA
VA57 Powhatan King George, VA
05VA Providence Farmville, VA
KNYG NYG NYG Quantico McAf (Turner Fld) Quantico, VA
28VA Radford Aap Heliport Radford, VA
0VA0 Rambo Airfield Warrenton, VA
49VA Rappahannock General Hospital Heliport Kilmarnnock, VA
78VA Rassawek Airstrip Columbia, VA
2VA0 Red Birds Airyard (Closed) Moneta, VA
7VA5 Redhouse Airfield (Closed) Redhouse, VA
VA98 Reedville Reedville, VA
6VA0 Remo Private Reidville, VA
43VA Reston Hospital Center Heliport Reston, VA
5VA4 Reston Hospital Center Heliport (Closed) Herndon, VA
29VA Rhynalds Ranch Remington, VA
KFCI FCI FCI Richmond Exec/Chesterfield County Richmond, VA
KRIC RIC RIC Richmond Intl Richmond, VA
VA58 River Bend Maurertown, VA
54VA Riverside Hospital Heliport Newport News, VA
3VG6 Riverside Shore Meml Hospital Heliport Onancock, VA
VA70 Riverside Walter Reed Hospital Heliport Gloucester, VA
0VA2 Riverwood Iron Gate, VA
KROA ROA ROA Roanoke/Blacksburg Rgnl (Woodrum Fld) Roanoke, VA
4VG8 Robbie Campbell Meml Airfield Fredricksburg, VA
VA49 Robertson (Closed) Hanover, VA
1 2 3 4 5 6
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