Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Wisconsin


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
67WI Accurate Necedah, WI
63C Adams County Legion Fld Friendship (Adams), WI
WI57 Advent Health Durand Heliport Durand, WI
3WI7 Advocate Aurora Mount Pleasant Hospital Heliport Mount Pleasant, WI
4WN7 Aegis Heliport Green Bay, WI
1WI6 Aero Estates Raymond Township, WI
WI69 Air Troy Estates East Troy, WI
6WN5 Airwolfe Stockholm, WI
54W Albany Albany, WI
KISW ISW ISW Alexander Fld South Wood County Wisconsin Rapids, WI
9WI0 All-State Equipment Co Heliport (Closed) Greenfield, WI
WS81 Alpha Hotel Webster, WI
WS74 Al's Airway Watertown, WI
KAHH AHH AHH Amery Muni Amery, WI
05WI Ames Private Darien, WI
9WS2 Antique Aerodrome De Pere, WI
KATW ATW ATW Appleton Intl Appleton, WI
WS89 Appleton Medical Center Heliport Appleton, WI
WS01 Archie's Seaplane Base Janesville, WI
WI94 Army Guard Heliport Madison, WI
93WI Arrowhead Springs (Closed) Richfield, WI
WI61 Ashenfelter Aerodrome (Closed) Grafton, WI
WI04 Aspen Creek Lussow Heliport Tomahawk, WI
WI45 Aspirus Langlade Hospital Heliport Antigo, WI
12WI Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics Inc Heliport Medford, WI
WS65 Aspirus Wausau Hospital Heliport Wausau, WI
WI43 Atkins Ridge Daleyville, WI
0WI3 Aurora Lakeland Medical Center Heliport Elkhorn, WI
03WI Aurora Medical Center Grafton Heliport Grafton, WI
WI06 Aurora Medical Center Heliport Two Rivers, WI
WI01 Aurora Medical Center Kenosha Heliport Kenosha, WI
2WI2 Aurora Medical Center Oshkosh Heliport Oshkosh, WI
4WI7 Aurora Medical Center Sheboygan County Heliport Kohler, WI
WS18 Aurora Medical Center Sheboygan County Heliport (Closed) Sheboygan, WI
WN68 Aurora Meml Hospital of Burlington Heliport Burlington, WI
0WI0 Aurora St Luke's Medical Center Heliport Milwaukee, WI
WI39 Aurora Summit Medical Center Heliport Oconomowoc, WI
57WI Aurora Valley View Medical Center Heliport Plymouth, WI
86WI Bakers Field (Closed) Blanchardville, WI
WI14 Baldwin Baldwin, WI
4WI1 Bancroft East Rio, WI
KDLL DLL DLL Baraboo/Wisconsin Dells Rgnl Baraboo, WI
3WI7 Bark River (Closed) Dousman, WI
35WI Barker Strip East Troy, WI
9Y7 Barron Muni Barron, WI
07WI Bartell Strip (Closed) Genessee Depot, WI
WS55 Barten Sharon, WI
KRAC RAC RAC Batten Intl Racine, WI
WN46 Battle Creek Oconomowoc, WI
4WN6 Bay Area Medical Center Heliport Marinette, WI
Y77 Bayfield County Iron River, WI
1WI5 Beaver Dam Lake Seaplane Base Randolph, WI
1WI3 Bed-Ah-Wick Field (Closed) Princeton, WI
02WI Beer Hudson, WI
44C Beloit Beloit, WI
WI38 Beloit Meml Hospital Heliport Beloit, WI
WI33 Ben Sutherland Minong, WI
2WI0 Bender's (Closed) Rothschild, WI
WI67 Bennett Fld Ripon, WI
31WN Berlin Fld Llc Berlin, WI
7V3 Big Foot Airfield Walworth, WI
WS73 Big Foot Farms Heliport Walworth, WI
WI95 Binzel Bristol, WI
WI95 Binzel (Closed) Paddock Lake, WI
WS43 Birch Creek De Pere, WI
WS76 Black Dog Farm New London, WI
9WI1 Black Otter Hortonville, WI
KBCK BCK Black River Falls Area Black River Falls, WI
23WI Black River Meml Hospital Heliport Black River Falls, WI
WI98 Blackburn (Closed) Cooksville, WI
87Y Blackhawk Airfield Madison, WI
1WI9 Blackhawk Island Fort Atkinson, WI
WI49 Blair Blair, WI
2WI5 Blair Lake Mercer, WI
WI15 Bloomer Meml Medical Center Heliport Bloomer, WI
Y72 Bloyer Fld Tomah, WI
3WN8 Blunt Fld Chippewa Falls, WI
WI75 Bogus Creek (Closed) Stockholm, WI
KOVS OVS Boscobel Boscobel, WI
KBDJ BDJ Boulder Junction Payzer Boulder Junction, WI
6WI3 Bountiful Acres Delavan, WI
32WN Bowman Airstrip Ultralight Suring, WI
3T3 Boyceville Muni Boyceville, WI
79C Brennand Neenah, WI
WI68 Brinsmere Heliport Juneau, WI
3WN9 Brion Meml Strum, WI
WN63 Bristol Bristol, WI
C37 Brodhead Brodhead, WI
WI55 Broken Prop Berlin, WI
9WI3 Buchholz Farm Morrison, WI
WI74 Buck Knob Durand, WI
WN09 Bucky's Airpark Plainfield, WI
10WI Buds Landing Pound, WI
2WI9 Bulldog Ranch Oxford, WI
KBUU BUU Burlington Muni Burlington, WI
KRZN RZN Burnett County Siren, WI
WI59 Burnett Medical Center Heliport Grantsburg, WI
1WI7 Buzzards Roost Redgranite, WI
1WI3 Buzzy Fld Evansville, WI
WI56 C Jeidy Farms Bloomington, WI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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