Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Papua New Guinea


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
AYZM WUM Wasum Airport Wasum
AYWU WUG Wau Airport Wau
AYWF WAJ Wawoi Falls Airport Wavoi Falls
AYXW WEP Weam Airport Weam
WED Wedau Airport Wedau
AYWK WWK Wewak International Airport Wewak
AYXP WPM Wipim Airport Wipim
AYIX WIU Witu Airport Garove Island
AYYB Wobagen Airstrip
AYWT WTP Woitape Airport Fatima Mission
AYWO WOA Wonenara Airport Wonenara
AYVP Woposali Airstrip Woposali
AYBX Wowobo Airstrip Wowobo
AYVW WUV Wuvulu Island Airport Wuvulu Island
AYBY Wuyabo Airstrip Wuyabo
AYYQ Yagrombok Airstrip Yagrombok
KYX Yalumet Yalumet
AYYE KYX Yalumet Airport Yalumet
AYYZ Yambaitok Yambaitok
AYYJ Yanungen Airstrip Yanungen
AYYP KPE Yapsiei Airport Yapsiei
AYYR KSX Yasuru Airport Yasuru
AYYD Yatoam Airstrip Yatoam
AYYV Yawa Airstrip Yawa
AYYW Yawan Airstrip Yawan
AYXY Yebil Airstrip Yebil
PGE Yegepa Airport Yegepa
AYXH Yehebi Airstrip Yehebi
AYYG Yemin Airstrip Yemin
AYYK YEQ Yenkis(Yankisa) Airport Yenkis
AYXE YVD Yeva Airport Yeva
AYYI Yili Airstrip Yili
AYZY Yilui Airstrip Yilui
AYYN Yimnalem Airstrip Yimnalem
AYJE Yomneri Airstrip Yomneri
KGH Yongai Yongai
AYJO KGH Yongai Airport Yongai
AYZA ZEN Zenag Airport Zenag
AYZZ LWI Zuebak Airstrip Zuebak
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Dauntless Aviation

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