Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YLED Lethbridge Airpark , VIC
YLRD LHG Lightning Ridge Airport Lightning Ridge, NSW
YLLC Lilla Creek Airport Ghan, Northern Territory, NT
YLMR Lillimur Lillimur, Victoria, VIC
YLVA Lillyvale Yarraden, Queensland, QLD
Lily Dutch Windmill Airstrip , WA
YLLV Lily Vale Airport , QLD
YLIL LLT Lilydale Airport Lilydale, VIC
YLIM LIB Limbunya Airport Limbunya, NT
Limekilns airfield Limekilns, NSW
Limmen Airstrip Limmen, NT
YLDS LLP Linda Downs Carrandotta, Queensland, QLD
YLIN LDC Lindeman Island Airport Lindeman Island, QLD
YLDN Linden Auburn, Queensland, QLD
Ling Lake Airfield Ling Lake, VIC
Lismore - Mortimer Oval Helicopter Landing Site Lismore, NSW
YLSM Lismore Airport Lismore, Victoria, VIC
YLIS LSY Lismore Airport Lismore, NSW
Lismore Helibase Lismore, NSW
YLDL LLL Lissadell Airport Lissadell Station, WA
YLIT Litchfield Daly River, Northern Territory, NT
YXLG Lithgow Hospital Helipad Lithgow, NSW
YXLL Liverpool Hospital Helipad Alpha Liverpool, NSW
YLZI LZR Lizard Island Airport Lizard Island, QLD
LNP Florence Buley Rd Intersection Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Florence Falls Campground Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Lost City Gravel Pit Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Sandy Creek Falls Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Termite Mounds Carpark Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Tolmer Falls Carpark Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Walker Creek Ranger Station Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
LNP Wangi Carpark Helicopter Landing Site Litchfield National Park, NT
Lochiel Airfield Lochiel Airfield, SA
YLOC Lochinvar Airport Telfer, Western Australia, WA
YLOK LOC Lock Airport Lock, SA
Lockhart Airstrip Lockhart, NSW
YLHR IRG Lockhart River Airport Lockhart River, QLD
YLCS Locksley Field , VIC
LGRS Logan Reserve Airport Logan Reserve, Queensland, QLD
YLBD Lombadina Airport Dampier Peninsula, WA
YHAC Long Airfield (RAAF) (Closed) Douglas-Daly, Northern Territo, NT
YLHL Long Hill Airport , TAS
Long Reef Helipad Collaroy, NSW
YLGD Longdown Airport Cressy, Tasmania, TAS
YUOF Longford Heliport Bass Straight Oil and Gas Indu, VIC
YLRE LRE Longreach Airport Longreach, QLD
YLOY Longwarry Airport , VIC
YLOD Longwood Airport Creightons Creek, Victoria, VIC
YLGN Loongana Airport Forrest, Western Australia, WA
YLHI LDH Lord Howe Island Airport Lord Howe Island, NSW
YLRG Lorna Glen Homestead Airport Wiluna, Western Australia, WA
YLOR LOA Lorraine Airport Lorraine, QLD
YLRN Lorraine Station Airport Stokes, Queensland, QLD
Lost Farm Golf Course (Barnbougle) Bridport, TAS
YACR Lotus Creek/Croyden Airstrip Croyden, QLD
YLOV LTV Lotus Vale Airport Lotus Vale, QLD
YLOU Louisa Downs Airport Mueller Ranges, Western Austra, WA
YLOH Louth Airport Louth, NSW
YLVB Lovely Banks Airport , VIC
YLLT Lower Light Airport Lower Light, South Australia, SA
YLOX Loxton Airport Loxton, SA
Loxton private strip Loxton, SA
YLUI Lucindale Airport Lucindale, South Australia, SA
YLKD Lucky Downs Airport Greenvale, Queensland, QLD
YLUC Lucy Creek Airport Anatye, Northern Territory, NT
YLAP Lundavra Private Airstrip Lundavra, QLD
YLSK Luskintyre Airfield Luskintyre, NSW
Lyell McEwin Hospital Helipad Elizabeth Vale, SA
YLYH LTP Lyndhurst Lyndhurst, South Australia, SA
YLHS LTP Lyndhurst Airport Lyndhurst, QLD
YLYD Lyndley Airport Cooranga, Queensland, QLD
YLYK Lyndoch Airport Lyndoch, SA
YLYN Lyndon Airport Lyndon, Western Australia, WA
Lyndon homestead airfield Lyndon homestead, WA
YMAK Mabel Creek Station Airport Mabel Creek, SA
YMAA UBB Mabuiag Island Airport Mabuiag Island, QLD
YMDS MNW Macdonald Downs Airport Sandover, Northern Territory, NT
YBMK MKY Mackay Airport Mackay, QLD
YMHP Mackay Base Hospital Helipad Mackay, QLD
YXMK MVH Macksville Park Helicopter Landing Site Macksville, NSW
YXMA Maclean Hospital Helipad Maclean, NSW
MHC Macmahon Camp 4 Macmahon Camp 4
Macquarie Island Station Heliport Macquarie Island Station, TAS
YXUH Macquarie University Hospital HLS Macquarie Park, NSW
YMCS Macrossan Airport Dotswood, Queensland, QLD
YMAC Macumba Airport Oodnadatta, South Australia, SA
YMDO Madowla Park Lower Moira, Victoria, VIC
YMAD Madura Airport Madura, Western Australia, WA
YMGL Maggieville Howitt, Queensland, QLD
YMWO Mahanewo Airport Gairdner, South Australia, SA
YMNU MIZ Mainoru Airstrip Mainoru, NT
YMND MTL Maitland Airport Maitland, NSW
YMLD Maitland Airport , SA
YMDW Maitland Downs Airport Lakeland, Queensland, QLD
Maitraya Resort Airstrip Nanarup, WA
YMJR Majura Training Area Heliport Majura, ACT
YFMA Malahide Fingal, Tasmania, TAS
YMOF Malakoff Stamford, Queensland, QLD
YMLA Malina Airport Sherlock, Western Australia, WA
YMCO XMC Mallacoota Airport Mallacoota, VIC
Dauntless Aviation

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