Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FBPD Pandamatenga MIL North West
Pom Pom Airport Pom Pom Camp
FBRK Rakops Airport (Closed) Rakops
Rann Airport Macatoo Camp
Riverside North Airport
FBSI Saile Airport Saile
Sanctuary Stanley Airport Sanctuary Stanley's Camp
FBST Santawani Airport Santawani Lodge
FBSV SVT Savuti Airport Savuti
Seba Airport Seba
FBSP PKW Selebi Phikwe Airport Selebi Phikwe
FBSL Selinda Airport Selinda
Selinda Old Airport Selinda
Serondela Airport Serondela
FBSG Seronga Airport Seronga
FBSR Serowe Airport (Closed) Serowe
FBSW SWX Shakawe Airport Shakawe
Shindi Lodge Airport
FBSK GBE Sir Seretse Khama International Airport Gaborone
FBSN SXN Sua Pan Airport Sowa
Sunny Side Airport Sunny Side
FBTP Thebephatshwa Airport Molepolole
FBTN Tonunga Airport Tonunga
FBTU Tsau Airport Tsau
FBTS TBY Tshabong Airport Tshabong
FBTE Tshane Airport (Closed) Tshane
FBJC Tsigaro Airport Jack's Camp
FBTH Tsodilo Hills Airport Tsodilo
FBTL TLD Tuli Lodge Airport Tuli Lodge
FBVM Vumbura Airport Vumbura
Xade Airstrip Xade
FBXA Xai Xai Airport Xaxa
Xakanaxa Old Airport (Closed) Xakanaxa
Xamaxai Airport Kashiambaras
FBXB Xaxaba Airport Xaxaba
Xhumaga Airport Xhumaga
FBXI Xigera Airport Xigera
FBXR Xorogom Airport Xorogom
Xudum Airport Xudum
FBXG Xugana Airport Xugana
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Dauntless Aviation

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