Dauntless Aviation
Airports CHILE
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
SHDO Valle Nevado Heliport Farellones
SCLL VLR Vallenar Airport Vallenar
SCVF Verfrut Airport San Pedro
SCUT Verfrut Sur Airport Longavi
SCSF SSD Víctor Lafón Airport San Felipe
SCTO ZIC Victoria Airport Victoria
SCNL Villa Cerro Castillo Airport Villa Cerro Castillo
SCOH Villa O'Higgins Airport Villa O'Higgins
SCQY Villa Portales Airport Lonquimay
SCRC Villa Tapera Airport Rio Cisnes
SHVI Villarica Park Lake Heliport Villarrica
SCVI Villarrica Airport Villarrica
SCVM KNA Viña del Mar Airport Viña del Mar
SHVM Viña Matetic Heliport Cartagena
SCMV Viña San Pedro Airport Molina
SCVZ Vina Santa Cruz Airport
SCVT Viña Tarapacá Airport Isla de Maipo
SCVA VAP Viñamar Airport Casablanca
SCSV Viñasutil Airport Peralillo
SCDH Vodudahue Airport Chaiten
SHWT World Trade Center Heliport Santiago
SCNY Yendegaia Airport Navarino
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Dauntless Aviation

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