Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
MHMN Monica Airport Monica
MHML Monte Libano Airport Monte Líbano
MHNB Noveno Batallón Airport Apala
MHJE Nueva Jerusalen Airport Rio Plátano
MHNV Nueva Ocotepeque Airport Nueva Ocotepeque
MHOT Ocotales Airport Copón
OAN Olanchito Olanchito
MHPC PCH Palacios Airport Palacios
MHPR XPL Palmerola International Airport / José Enrique Soto Cano Air Base Palmerola
MHPY Payasito Airport (Closed) Farallones
MHPB Publigraficos Heliport San Pedro Sula
MHPL PEU Puerto Lempira Airport Puerto Lempira
MHLM SAP Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport San Pedro Sula
MHRJ Rancho Jamastran Airport Apala
MHRA Rapaco II Airport
MHRY Raya Airport Raya
MHRH Regional Hamer Airport
MHRC RUY Rioamarillo Airport Copán Ruinas
MHRR Rus Rus I Airport Rus Rus
MHRD Rus Rus II Airport Rus Rus
MHMM San Antonio de Malera Airport (Closed) San Antonio de Malera
MHBE San Bernardo Airport San Bernardo
San Esteban San Esteban
MHFN San Fernando Airport San Fernando
San Francisco De La Paz Airport San Francisco de La Paz
MHSJ San Jose Airport Oropoli
MHSL San Lorenzo Airport El Hato
MHAN San Luis Airport San Luis
MHMO San Marcos De Ocotepeque Airport San Marcos
MHGR Sangrelaya Airport Donel
MHSZ Santa Bárbara Airport (Closed) Santa Bárbara
MHTM Santa Maria Airport (Closed) Santa María
MHSR SDH Santa Rosa de Copán Airport (Closed) Santa Rosa de Copán
MHGG Santiago de Puringla Airport (Closed) Santiago de Puringla
MHSI Sico Airport Sico
MHSN Sinaloa Airport Sinaloa
MHSX Sixatigni Airport
MHUL SCD Sulaco Airport Sulaco
MHAG Sur Agropecuaria Airport Buena Vista
MHLI Talanguita Airport
MHTA Tamara Airport Tamara
MHTE TEA Tela Airport Tela
MHTI Tipimuratara Airport Tipimunatara
TCF Tocoa Tocoa
MHTO TCF Tocoa Airport Tocoa
MHTG TGU Toncontín International Airport Tegucigalpa
MTRH Trojes Airport (Closed) Trojes
MHTJ TJI Trujillo Airport Trujillo
MHUH Uhi Airport Uhi
MHUT UII Utila Airport Utila Island
Victoria Airport Victoria
MHVG Villa Guadalupe Airport (Closed) Villa Guadalupe
MHVE Villa Hermosa Airport Coyolillo
MHWA Wampusirpi I Airport Wampusirpi
MHWD Wampusirpi II Airport Wampusirpi
MHWP Waplaya Airport Waplaya
MHWR Warunta Airport Warunta
MHWS Wasma Airport Wasma
MHWW Wawina Airport Wawina
MHYX Yaxu Airport Puerto Lempira
MHYO Yodeco Airport El Caulote
MHYR ORO Yoro Airport Yoro
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Dauntless Aviation

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