Dauntless Aviation
Airports JAPAN
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Yuai Memorial Hospital Heliport Koga
Yuge Heliport Kamijima
Yugimachi First Aid Helipad Ome
Yuhikoku Kawajima Airstrip Kawajima
Yuhikoku Kawajima Helipad Kawajima
Yuki Heliport Yuki
Yukiata Ground Helipad Muroto
Yumachi Airstrip (Closed) Matsue
Yumemi-no-machi Building Heliport Urayasu
Yuminokimoto Heliport Shinshiro
Yumura Hot Springs Heliport Shinonsen
Yura Emergency Helipad Yura
Yurakucho Itocia Helipad Chiyoda, Tokyo
Yuri Airstrip Yurihonjo
Yushima DC Helipad Bunkyo, Tokyo
Yusuhara Heliport Yusuhara
Yuzawa Interchange Heliport Yuzawa
Zamami Heliport Zamami
Zenkoku Choson Kaikan (National Town Hall) Helipad Chiyoda, Tokyo
Zenshinkai Hospital Heliport Hagi
Zent Maeda Heliport Toyota
Zukeran Airfield (Closed) Chatan
Dauntless Aviation

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