Dauntless Aviation
Airports NAMIBIA
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FYSU Sossusvlei Lodge Landing Site Hardap
FYSL Sossusvlei Mountain Lodge Airport Sossusvlei Desert Lodge
FYSV Sossusvlei Wilderness Hardap
Spatzenfeld Landing Site
FYSP Stampriet Pan Airport Stampriet
Stamprietpan Ok Landing Site Stampriet
Steinhausen Landing Site Steinhausen
FYST Strate Airport Hardap
Susuwe Airport (Closed) Kongola
Swa Knie Landing Site
FYSM SWP Swakopmund Municipal Aerodrome Swakopmund
FYSW Swartkrans Erongo
FYTL Talismanis Omaheke
Tatave Landing Site
FYTE TCY Terrace Bay Airport Terrace Bay
Tivoli Landing Site
FYTO Torra Bay Kunene
FYTS Tsandi Tsandi, Omusati
FYTB Tsaobis Leopard Nature Park Erongo
Tses Airstrip Tses
FYTM TSB Tsumeb Airport Tsumeb
Tsumis Airport Tsumis
FYTK Tsumkwe Airport Tsumkwe
FYTR Tweerivier Landing Site Hardap
Twilight Airstrip
FYTF Twyfelfontein Airport Twyfelfontein
FYUS Uis Mine Airport Uis
FYKY Uitkyk Hardap
Unbekannt Landing Site
FYUK Usakos Erongo
Uukwaluudhi Airport
FYVF Veronica Gliding Center Veronica
Victory Airstrip
FYVK Vogelstrausskluft Karas
Vredeshoop Landing Site
FYWL Wabi Lodge Otjozondjupa
FYWB WVB Walvis Bay Airport Rooikop
Wandervogel Airstrip
FYWM Warmbad Warmbad, Karas
Weltevrede Rest Landing Site
Wilskrag Landing Site
Witbooisvley Landing Site Witbooisvley
Wittenau Pfanne Landing Site
FYWI Witvlei Airport Witvlei
FYWK Wlotskas Baken Erongo
Wohlzufrieden Airport
FYWD Wolwedans Airport Hardap
FYZR Zebra River Lodge Hardap
Zuuberg Landing Site
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Dauntless Aviation

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