Dauntless Aviation
Airports SPAIN
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Ses Salines (S’Olivó) Airfield Ses Salines
LEXJ SDR Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport Santander
Sevilla / Tablada (Closed)
LEZL SVQ Sevilla Airport Sevilla
Silleda Fire Base Heliport Silleda
Sollana Agro Airstrip Sollana
Son Albertí Airfield Llucmajor, Balea
LESB Son Bonet Airfield Marratxí
Son Espases Heliport Palma de Mallorca
Son Morell Heliport and R/C Field Cala Morell
Sotillo de la Andrada
LESS Sotos Airfield Sotos
Tablada Airport (Closed) Sevilla
LETB Tabuyo del Monte Firefighting Heliport León
LEEI Talavera de la Reina Heliport Talavera de la Reina
Taragudo Airfield UL Taragudo
Tarifa Tarifa
Tejeda Heliport 35369 Tejeda
LETK Teknon Medical Center Heliport Barcelona
GCXO TFN Tenerife Norte-Ciudad de La Laguna Airport Tenerife
GCTS TFS Tenerife Sur Airport Tenerife
Terrinches Agro Airstrip Terrinches
LETL TEV Teruel Airport Teruel
LETY Tinajeros Airfield Tinajeros
LETV Tirviá Heliport Tirvia
LETF Tomás Fernández Espada Airfield Villamartin
LETZ Torozos Airfield Valladolid
LETS Torre Picasso Heliport Madrid
Torremocha de Jiloca Airfield Torremocha de Jiloca
UTL Torremolinos Torremolinos
LETT Tortosa Verge de la Cinta Hospital Heliport Tortosa
LETJ Trebujena Airfield Trebujena
LETR Tremp Heliport Tremp
LEUL Ullastrell-Teresa Vilá Heliport Ullastrell
ULM de Dolores
Ultralight Aeroclub Müller Vera
Urda Agricultural Airstrip Urda
Utrillas Heliport Utrillas
Valdecebro Forestry Airstrip (Closed) Valdecebro
Valdemorillo Airstrip Valdemorillo
Valdenuño-Fernandez Airstrip
LEVP Valdepeñas Airfield Valdepeñas
Valdeperdices (Closed)
LEVC VLC Valencia Airport Valencia
LEDH Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Helipad Barcelona
LEVD VLL Valladolid Airport Valladolid
Valle Amblés El Fresno
LEVY Vicente Huerta Airfield Viver
LEVH Vielha Heliport Carrèr deth Taro
LEVX VGO Vigo Airport Vigo
Vigo Cruise Terminal Vigo
LEPT Vilafranca de Bonany-Es Cruce Airfield (Aerodromo Mallorca) Petra Pep Mercader
LEVR Vilaller Heliport
Vilaller Heliport Vilaller
LEVF Villaframil Airfield Lugo
LEVJ Villafranca de Cordoba
LEVO Villahermosa Heliport Villahermosa
LEVL Villamarco UL
Villanueva de La Cañada Airfield Villanueva de La Cañada
Villaumbrales UL Villaumbrales
Vinaròs Airfield Vinaròs
LEVI Viso del Marqués Airfield (Closed) Viso del Marqués
LEVT VIT Vitoria Airport Alava
Xàbia Heliport Xàbia
Xeraco Airfield Xeraco
Zalduendo ULM Zalduondo
LEZG ZAZ Zaragoza Airport Zaragoza
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Dauntless Aviation

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