Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CT49 Plainville Heliport (Closed) New Britain, CT
CT58 Portland Heliport (Closed) Portland, CT
CT64 Pratt & Whitney Heliport (Closed) Southington, CT
CT82 Quaddick Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Thompson, CT
31CT Quiet Corner Heliport Pomfret, CT
CT20 Rankl Fld Marlborough, CT
CT65 Reed's Gap Heliport (Closed) Wallingford, CT
EHT CT88 Rentschler Heliport (Closed) East Hartford, CT
CT44 Ripley Field (Closed) Litchfield, CT
CT85 Roberts Farm East Windsor, CT
4B8 Robertson Fld Plainville, CT
5CT1 Rondo Heliport Nangatuck, CT
CT71 Rtx Farmington Heliport Farmington, CT
CT41 Sacred Heart University Heliport Fairfield, CT
9B8 Salmon River Airfield Marlborough, CT
CT86 Sanford Heliport East Haddam, CT
08CT Seavair's Landing Seaplane Base Winsted, CT
0CT0 Sharon Hospital Heliport Sharon, CT
04CT Shingle Mill Heliport Harwinton, CT
CT37 Sikorsky Bridgeport Heliport Bridgeport, CT
KJSD JSD JSD Sikorsky Heliport Stratford, CT
07CT Silo Heliport (Closed) Harwinton, CT
4B9 Simsbury Simsbury, CT
CT07 Skis Landing Area Colchester, CT
7B6 Skylark Airpark Warehouse Point, CT
5CT3 South Glastonbury Heliport South Glastonbury, CT
CT73 South Meadows Heliport Hartford, CT
CT43 Spruce Jewett City, CT
0CT5 St Francis Hospital Heliport Hartford, CT
1CT3 St Mary's Heliport Waterbury, CT
CT18 State Emergency Heliport (Closed) Hartford, CT
CT80 Stonington Airpark Stonington, CT
02CT Strangers Point Heliport Ellington, CT
CT31 Swift (Closed) Stafford Springs, CT
CT27 Tennessee F Heliport Enfield, CT
69CT The Shore Heliport Mystic, CT
9CT1 The Towers Heliport Norwalk, CT
5CT5 Thomson Fld Bethlehem, CT
CT94 Tilcon Roncari, Inc Heliport (Closed) East Granby, CT
CT45 Timex Heliport (Closed) Middlebury, CT
07CT Tnt Heliport (Closed) Salem, CT
C44 Toutant Putnam, CT
KHVN HVN HVN Tweed/New Haven New Haven, CT
CT62 Twin Manufacturing Company Heliport South Windsor, CT
CT75 Uconn Health Heliport Farmington, CT
CT60 Ultimate Heliport Bristol, CT
CT17 United Technology Corp. Heliport (Closed) Hartford, CT
CT91 Ussc Heliport Norwalk, CT
CT34 Ussc/North Haven Heliport (Closed) North Haven, CT
CT29 Valley Farm Somers, CT
CT29 Valley Farms (Closed) Somers, CT
N41 Waterbury Waterbury, CT
KOXC OXC OXC Waterbury-Oxford Oxford, CT
CT68 Wauregan Heliport (Closed) Wauregan, CT
CT74 Westford Airstrip Ashford/Westford, CT
CT01 Whelan Farms Bethlehem, CT
CT70 Wilsonville Heliport (Closed) Wilsonville, CT
KIJD IJD IJD Windham Willimantic, CT
0CT2 Windham Hospital Heliport Willimantic, CT
CT42 Wings Ago Airstrip Goshen, CT
64CT Woodstock South Woodstock, CT
CT48 Wychwood Fld Mystic, CT
CT15 Wysocki Fld Ellington, CT
1CT2 Yale New Haven Hospital Heliport New Haven, CT
4C3 Yalesville Heliport (Closed) Yalesville, CT
CT13 Yankee Airstrip East Killingly, CT
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Dauntless Aviation

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