Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
6IL9 Geldean Walnut, IL
27IS Gelfius Intl Dahlgren, IL
3G8 Gen-Airpark Geneseo, IL
KPIA PIA PIA General Downing - Peoria Intl Peoria, IL
2LL6 Genesis Medical Center - Illini Campus Heliport Silvis, IL
12IS Genesis Medical Ctr-Aledo Heliport Aledo, IL
LL55 Gentry Polo, IL
2LL9 George (Closed) Somonauk, IL
LL43 Gerald H Hamer (Closed) Peru, IL
96IL Gerbick Lena, IL
9IS8 Gibson Area Hospital Heliport Gibson City, IL
36IS Gillen (Closed) Monmouth, IL
15IL Gittleson Farms Franklin Grove, IL
55IS Glatthaar (Closed) Grandview, IL
47IL Godbee Rla (Closed) Kempton, IL
6IS4 Good Samaritan Rgnl Health Care Center Heliport (Closed) Mount Vernon, IL
0LL6 Gord Sandwich, IL
5LL5 Gordon Brown Trivoli, IL
14LL Gottlieb Heliport Melrose Park, IL
97IL Graham Hospital Heliport Canton, IL
3IS9 Grand Tower Heliport Grand Tower, IL
IL22 Grandpa's Farm Mendota Mendota, IL
41IL Great Lakes Seaplane Base Antioch, IL
K06 Greater Beardstown Beardstown, IL
KIKK IKK IKK Greater Kankakee Kankakee, IL
KGRE GRE GRE Greenville Greenville, IL
0IL2 Griffin Alma, IL
39IS Hagi Landing Area (Closed) Streator, IL
38IL Hamer Rla (Closed) Dana, IL
IL33 Hamilton County Coal Heliport Mc Leansboro, IL
0IL0 Hamilton Meml Hospital Heliport Mc Leansboro, IL
00IL Hammer Polo, IL
06LL Hammersmith Heliport (Closed) Elburn, IL
7IS7 Hammock Fld Alhambra, IL
3LL2 Hammond-Henry Hospital Heliport Geneseo, IL
05IS Hardy (Closed) Mount Auburn, IL
IL97 Harford Mazon, IL
08IL Harms Airstrip (Closed) Tampico, IL
16IL Harold Bunger Kirkland, IL
1IS0 Harold Emmerich (Closed) Belleville, IL
IS95 Harrington Farms (Closed) Sheridan, IL
IS24 Harris (Closed) Ramsey, IL
4IS4 Harrisburg Medical Center Heliport Harrisburg, IL
KHSB HSB HSB Harrisburg-Raleigh Harrisburg, IL
LL88 Harry D Fenton (Closed) Rockton, IL
48IL Hartenbower Hectares (Closed) Lostant, IL
IS16 Hartline Air Strip Stolport (Closed) Anna, IL
79IS Hartwell Ranch Hillview, IL
IS17 Harvey Police Department Heliport Harvey, IL
52IL Hasselbring (Closed) Paxton, IL
4IS6 Hattan Farms Minonk, IL
75LL Hausmann (Closed) Wyoming, IL
9I0 Havana Rgnl Havana, IL
12IL Hawker Kankakee, IL
00IS Hayenga's Cant Find Farms Kings, IL
7IL1 Headings Heliport New Bedford, IL
IL22 Heeg (Closed) Oquawka, IL
08IS Hemmer Rla (Closed) Du Quoin, IL
93LL Hemmingsen (Closed) Sandwich, IL
95IL Henderson Rosiclare, IL
IL34 Henderson Fld Belvidere, IL
IL93 Hendrickson Flying Service Creston, IL
IS86 Hendrix Buckingham, IL
13LL Henry Valve Company Heliport (Closed) Melrose Park, IL
9IL4 Hep Cats Steward, IL
9LL2 Hepp Cutler, IL
LL07 Herb Tautz Mount Carroll, IL
IL02 Herbert C Maas Zion, IL
LL47 Heritage Manor South Heliport (Closed) Beardstown, IL
IS56 Herren Timewell, IL
LL77 Herrens Bess Hollow Airfield Kampsville, IL
5IL0 Herrin Hospital Heliport Herrin, IL
3LL1 Herschel Hunter Marissa, IL
1IL5 Highland Heliport (Closed) Highland, IL
H07 Highland-Winet Highland, IL
37IS Hilbert Marengo, IL
96IS Hildreth Air Park Sidell, IL
LL91 Hillman Rock City, IL
8IS4 Hillsboro Area Hospital Heliport Hillsboro, IL
3K4 Hillsboro Muni (Closed) Hillsboro, IL
5LL1 Hilvety Moweaqua, IL
0C2 Hinckley Hinckley, IL
1IL2 Hobby Hideaway Rla (Closed) Delavan, IL
IL94 Hoblit Farms Atlanta, IL
IS77 Hoehn Rla (Closed) Witt, IL
6IL0 Hoerr Rla (Closed) Peoria, IL
IS63 Hoffman (Closed) De Kalb, IL
1IL9 Holland Fld Mc Lean, IL
3IS5 Holmes Southeast Pawnee, IL
25IL Holzwarth Flying Service Virden, IL
3IL7 Home Free (Closed) Steward, IL
IS90 Honey Lake Heliport (Closed) Lake Zurick, IL
01IL Hoopeston Community Meml Hospital Heliport Hoopeston, IL
7IS3 Hooterville Clinton, IL
5IL5 Hope Fld Mazon, IL
IL06 Hopedale Medical Complex Heliport Hopedale, IL
8LL5 Horizon Health Heliport Paris, IL
1IL1 Horsefeathers Ranch Irving, IL
22IL Horseshoe Mound Galena, IL
IL16 Houseman (Closed) Cobden, IL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dauntless Aviation

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