Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
C67 Lake Pleasant Seaplane Base Angola, IN
I00 Lake Shafer Seaplane Base Monticello, IN
C98 Lake Village Lake Village, IN
01D Lake Wawasee Seaplane Base Syracuse, IN
IN13 Lanesville Skyways (Closed) Lanesville, IN
IN83 Lautzenhiser Airpark Hamilton, IN
II92 Layden Heliport Rolling Prairie, IN
5II1 Layne Fld New Winchester, IN
85IN Leak (Closed) Tab, IN
64I Lee Bottom Hanover, IN
1IN9 Lee Farms Marion, IN
22II Lewis Mount Vernon, IN
70IN Lewis Airfield Milan, IN
33II Lifeline Landing Area Heliport (Closed) Connersville, IN
IN89 Ligonier (Closed) Ligonier, IN
II35 Lindley Private (Closed) Danville, IN
63IN Little York Little York, IN
IG04 Litzinger Ultralight Versailles, IN
II89 Lockyear St Wendel, IN
KGGP GGP GGP Logansport/Cass County Logansport, IN
IN95 Long (Closed) North Judson, IN
II18 Lou Abbett Farms La Crosse, IN
C97 Lowell Lowell, IN
75II Lowells Landing (Closed) Hardinsburg, IN
KIMS IMS IMS Madison Muni Madison, IN
47IN Mann Merom, IN
5II6 Marble Hill Heliport (Closed) New Washington, IN
28IN Marchino Field (Closed) Vincennes, IN
8IN9 Marcidale Amo, IN
5IN7 Marion General Hospital Heliport Marion, IN
08IN Marion Health Heliport Gas City, IN
KMZZ MZZ MZZ Marion Muni - McKinney Fld Marion, IN
52II Marshall County Heliport (Closed) Plymouth, IN
IN19 Marshall Field (Closed) Acton, IN
0II5 Marshall Field (Closed) Chalmers, IN
IN58 Mattingly Fld Martinsville, IN
IN72 Mayer Union Dale, IN
87IN May's Strip (Closed) Walkerton, IN
90IN Mc Daniel's Fld Martinsville, IN
18II Mc Gill Cicero, IN
II36 Mc Neil Field (Closed) Fountaintown, IN
6IN8 McMinn Rushville, IN
IN26 McPherson Airfield Milan, IN
II82 Meadors Fld Danville, IN
1IN2 Meharry Ag Service Heliport (Closed) Wingate, IN
77IN Meml Hospital At Jasper Heliport Jasper, IN
79IN Meml Hospital At South Bend Heliport South Bend, IN
IN96 Meml Hospital Heliport Logansport, IN
C92 Mentone Mentone, IN
IN06 Methodist Hospital Helistop Heliport Indianapolis, IN
IN79 Methodist Hospital Northlake Heliport Gary, IN
54IN Methodist Hospital Nr 2 Heliport Indianapolis, IN
81II Methodist Hospital of In Inc Heliport Indianapolis, IN
KCEV CEV CEV Mettel Fld Connersville, IN
IN97 Mgt Station 2113 Heliport (Closed) Paxton, IN
KMGC MGC MGC Michigan City Muni-Phillips Fld Michigan City, IN
2IN5 Midkiff (Closed) Sulphur Springs, IN
IN37 Midwest Steel Heliport (Closed) Portage, IN
42IN Mikelsons Heliport (Closed) Indianapolis, IN
5II2 Miles Field (Closed) New Whiteland, IN
89IN Milhon Martinsville, IN
IN53 Miller Spencer, IN
C40 Miller Bluffton, IN
39II Miller Fld Topeka, IN
0II3 Miller Strip (Closed) Bunker Hill, IN
21IN Minneman (Closed) Hartford City, IN
3C1 Mishawaka Pilots Club Elkhart, IN
43I Mississinewa Reservoir Landing Area Seaplane Base Peru, IN
KBMG BMG BMG Monroe County Bloomington, IN
22IN Mooney Field (Closed) Auburn, IN
71IN Morgan Airfield (Closed) Salem, IN
1II8 Morris (Closed) Greenfield, IN
0IN6 Morrison Flight Park Ultralight (Closed) Linton, IN
II20 Mossburg (Closed) Liberty Center, IN
5II5 Mumford Farms (Closed) New Ross, IN
3II0 Murphy Fremont, IN
7IN6 Myers Farm Livonia, IN
01II Myers Field (Closed) Lizton, IN
C03 Nappanee Muni Nappanee, IN
70II Nasby Shelbyville, IN
9II2 Nelund Fld Mishawaka, IN
KUWL UWL UWL New Castle Henry County Marlatt Fld New Castle, IN
9IN2 New Liberty Field (Closed) New Liberty, IN
36II Newby Landing Brownsburg, IN
II57 Nipsco Southlake Complex Heliport Merrillville, IN
IN04 N'meier (Closed) Westphalia, IN
I80 Noblesville Noblesville, IN
29II Norm's (Closed) Michigan City, IN
42II Norm's Airpark (Closed) La Porte, IN
8II2 Norris Fld Liberty, IN
KOVO OVO OVO North Vernon North Vernon, IN
II04 North West Indiana Air (Closed) Brook, IN
46II Northwest Health - Porter Heliport Valparaiso, IN
II44 Northwest Health - Starke Heliport Knox, IN
IN75 Norwood Heliport (Closed) Elkhart, IN
IN41 Nuckols (Closed) Redkey, IN
73II Nulltown Wingnuts Ultralight Connersville, IN
66IN Oakes Fld Charlottesville, IN
34IN Old Glory Fld Fort Wayne, IN
4II3 Oleo Fillmore, IN
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dauntless Aviation

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