Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
72KS Hillbillies Beverly, KS
63K Hillside Stilwell, KS
1KS7 Hitch Feeders II Inc. (Closed) Satanta, KS
SN22 Hoelting Basehor, KS
87KS Holyrood Muni (Closed) Holyrood, KS
K91 Horton Muni Horton, KS
SN26 Horttor (Closed) Blue Mound, KS
1F5 Hoxie-Sheridan County Hoxie, KS
1KS0 Huey (Closed) Hutchinson, KS
KHQG HQG HQG Hugoton Muni Hugoton, KS
3KS1 Hunninghake Aerial Baileyville, KS
KHUT HUT HUT Hutchinson Rgnl Hutchinson, KS
KIDP IDP IDP Independence Muni Independence, KS
30K Ingalls Muni Ingalls, KS
4KS2 Ingels Aerodrome De Soto, KS
SN51 Irish Creek Airfield Hutchinson, KS
20KS Isaacson Norway, KS
0KS0 J V Ranch Osage City, KS
5KS8 Jack Poore Mc Donald, KS
23JY Jamison Fld Quinter, KS
SN00 Jen Bird Air Park (Closed) Salina, KS
M64 Jenkinson Meade, KS
K79 Jetmore Muni Jetmore, KS
02KS Jmj Landing St Marys, KS
SN77 Johns (Closed) Johnson, KS
KOJC OJC OJC Johnson County Exec Olathe, KS
9KS3 Kake Helistop Heliport (Closed) Wichita, KS
SN70 Kaypod Harper, KS
36K Kearny County Lakin, KS
0KS2 Kellie Mann Airfield (Closed) Ottawa, KS
0KS6 Kendrigan (Closed) Peck, KS
7KS7 Kennedy Minneola, KS
23KS Kentucky Creek Landing Lindsborg, KS
1KS5 Keyser (Closed) St Marys, KS
8KS2 King Ranch Hamilton, KS
9K8 Kingman/Clyde Cessna Fld Kingman, KS
33K Kinsley Muni Kinsley, KS
6KS6 Kiowa (Closed) Kiowa, KS
45KS Koafm Galesburg, KS
04KS Kraemer Airfield Minneola, KS
SN99 Laflin Ranch Olsburg, KS
SN65 Lake Waltanna Goddard, KS
59KS Lamb Ranch Mildred, KS
KLQR LQR LQR Larned-Pawnee County Larned, KS
SN38 Lawrence Meml Hospital Heliport Lawrence, KS
KLWC LWC LWC Lawrence Rgnl Lawrence, KS
SN60 Lcf Heliport Lansing, KS
SN03 Lenora Muni Lenora, KS
1KS3 Leo's Place Riley, KS
1KS3 Leo's Place Stolport (Closed) Riley, KS
0KS2 Leverton Udall, KS
KLBL LBL LBL Liberal Mid-America Rgnl Liberal, KS
45KS Liebau Ranch (Closed) Grenola, KS
48SN Lifeteam 20 Heliport Wichita, KS
SN68 Lil Bird Valley Center, KS
K71 Lincoln Muni Lincoln, KS
7KS6 Linders Cow-Chip (Closed) Louisburg, KS
37KS Lindsborg Community Hospital Heliport Lindsborg, KS
1KS Linn County Pleasanton, KS
1K1 Lloyd Stearman Fld Benton, KS
0KS9 Lmn 120 Douglas, KS
13K Lt William M Milliken Eureka, KS
38K Lucas Lucas, KS
SN25 Lucas (Closed) Big Bow, KS
9KS6 Lundgren Angus Ranch Gove, KS
KLYO LYO LYO Lyons-Rice County Muni Lyons, KS
2KS4 Mahoney Farm Dorrance, KS
4KS5 Maize Wichita/Maize/, KS
KMHK MHK MHK Manhattan Rgnl Manhattan, KS
KTKO TKO TKO Mankato Mankato, KS
43K Marion Muni Marion, KS
3K7 Mark Hoard Meml Leoti, KS
KFRI FRI FRI Marshall AAF Fort Riley (Junction City), KS
6KS8 Mary's Place (Closed) Emporia, KS
SN30 Marysville Mediport Heliport (Closed) Marysville, KS
KMYZ MYZ MYZ Marysville Muni Marysville, KS
61KS Masters Fld (Closed) Troy, KS
47KS Maxwell Baldwin City, KS
8KS Maxwell Aviation Lyons, KS
SN49 Mc Collough Airfield (Closed) Randall, KS
KIAB IAB IAB Mc Connell AFB Wichita, KS
KMPR MPR MPR Mc Pherson Mc Pherson, KS
29KS McMaster Gliderport Wichita, KS
KMEJ MEJ MEJ Meade Muni Meade, KS
K51 Medicine Lodge Medicine Lodge, KS
SN51 Meitl (Closed) Dresden, KS
SN35 Menorah Medical Park Heliport Overland Park, KS
SN56 Mercy Hospital Heliport (Closed) Fort Scott, KS
SN50 Mercy Hospital Pittsburg Heliport Pittsburg, KS
3KS6 Mercy Rgnl Health Center Heliport Manhattan, KS
3KS1 Mesa Verde (Closed) Topeka, KS
K81 Miami County Paola, KS
54KS Michael Wellsville, KS
SN45 Michael's Lawrence, KS
9KS7 Miller (Closed) Harris, KS
83KS Miller Aeroplane Fld (Closed) Wamego, KS
31KS Mills Fld South Hutchinson, KS
45K Minneapolis City County Minneapolis, KS
64KS Minnow Creek Sylvan Grove, KS
5KS6 Mollenkamp Field (Closed) Leoti, KS
1 2 3 4 5
Dauntless Aviation

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