Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
NM43 Southwell H Q Heliport Hachita, NM
9NM9 Spaceport America Truth Or Consequences, NM
S42 Springer Muni Springer, NM
NM81 St Johns College Helispot Heliport (Closed) Santa Fe, NM
NM06 St Vincent Hospital Heliport Santa Fe, NM
95E Stallion AAF Socorro, NM
KSKX TSM SKX Taos Rgnl Taos, NM
18T Tatum Tatum, NM
NM10 Tequesquite Ranch Albert, NM
NM71 Three Rivers Ranch (Closed) Three Rivers, NM
NM12 Thurmond Animas, NM
NM92 Tierra de Dios Rowe, NM
E02 Timberon Alamogordo, NM
KTCS TCS TCS Truth Or Consequences Muni Truth Or Consequences, NM
KTCC TCC TCC Tucumcari Muni Tucumcari, NM
NM72 Turner Ridgeport (Closed) Silver City, NM
NM11 University of Nm Hospital Heliport Albuquerque, NM
NM28 Unm Hospital Critical Care Tower West Heliport Albuquerque, NM
N17 Vaughn Muni Vaughn, NM
NM14 Wedding Cake Ranch Clayton, NM
94E Whiskey Creek Silver City, NM
NM55 Whitewater Mesa Ranch Glenwood, NM
NM05 Williams (Closed) Farmington, NM
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Dauntless Aviation

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