Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FVMK Mkonono Airport Mkonono
FVKW Mkwasine Airport Mkwasine
FVML Mlibizi Airstrip Mlibizi
FVMD Mount Darwin Airport
Mucumbura River Airport
FVMW Murewa Airport Murewa
FVMU UTA Mutare Airport Mutare
FVMT Mutoko Airport Mutoko
Mwanja River Airport
Mwenezi Airport Mwenezi
Neyuka Airstrip Mangara
Nkayi Airport Nkayi
FVNY Nyanyadzi Airport Nyanyadzi
Peoza Pasi Airstrip
FVPL Plumtree Airport Plumtree
FVRA Ratelshoek Airport Ratelshoek
Renco Airport Renco
FVRE Renroc Airport Renroc
FVRF Rifa Airstrip Hurungwe
FVRG HRE Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport Harare
Robins Airstrip Robins Camp
FVRK Rukomeshe Research Station Airstrip
Rupangwana Airport Rupangwana
Rusape South Airport Rusape
FVRT Rutenga Airport Rutenga
FVSE Sanyati Estate Airport Sanyati Estate
FVSC Sencol Airport Sencol
Sengwa Airport
FVSX Sengwa Gorge Airport Sengwa Gorge
Sengwa Research Area Airstrip
Sijarira Lodge Airstrip Binga
Sinamatella Camp Airport Hwange
Sipepa Airstrip
FVSY Siyalima Airport Siyalima
FVSV Spray View Airport (Closed) Spray View
FVSN Sun Yet Sen Airport Sun Yet Sen
FVTA Tashinga Airport Tashinga
FVTE Tengwe Airport Tengwe
FVTB Tiger Bay Airstrip Kariba
Tilbury Airport Tilbury
FVTD Tinfields Airport Tinfields
FVTJ Tonje Airport (Closed) Tonje
Towla Airport Towla
FVTS Tsholothso Airport Tsholothso
FVTU Tuli Airport Tuli
Turwi River Airstrip
FVFA VFA Victoria Falls International Airport Victoria Falls
FVWD Wedza Airport Wedza
West Nicholson Airport West Nicholson
FVYB Yomba Airport Yomba
FVZK Zaka Airport Zaka
FVZC Zisco Airport Zisco
FVSH Zvishavane Airport Zvishavane
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Dauntless Aviation

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