Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Zambia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FLYA Samfya Airport Samfya
FLSN SXG Senanga Airport Senanga
FLSE Serenje Airport Serenje
FLSS SJQ Sesheke Airport Sesheke
FLSH Shiwa n'gandu Airport Shiwa n'gandu
Siame Gardens Airport Kitwe
Silver Rest Airport Silver Rest
FLSK NLA Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport Ndola
Simonga Airport Simonga
Sinazongwe Airport Sinasongwe
Sioma Airport Sioma
FLSW SLI Solwesi Airport Solwesi
FLSO KIW Southdowns Airport Kitwe
Stakota Airport Chaposwa
United Air Heliport Livingstone
FLWW Waka Waka Airport Waka Waka
FLWE West Five Airport Lipanda
FLWD West Four Airport West Four
FLWA West One Airport Chinka
FLWG West Seven Airport Chanika
FLWF West Six Airport Kauni
FLWC West Three Airport Nyoka
FLWB West Two Airport Metamba
FLZB BBZ Zambezi Airport Zambezi
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Dauntless Aviation

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