Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Finland


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
EFSI SJY Seinäjoki Airport Seinäjoki / Ilmajoki
EFSE Selanpaa Airfield Kouvola
Sitikkala Airstrip (Closed)
EFSO SOT Sodankyla Airport Sodankyla
Soini Airfield
EFSJ Sonkajärvi-Jyrkkä Airfield (Closed) Sonkajärvi
EFVT Sulkaharju Airfield Veteli
EFSU Suomussalmi Airfield Suomussalmi
EFPT Tampere University Hospital Heliport Tampere
EFTA Tampere/Harmala
EFTP TMP Tampere-Pirkkala Airport Tampere / Pirkkala
EFTS Teisko Airfield (Closed) Tampere
EFTO Torbacka Airfield Ingå
Turenki Private Airstrip
EFTU TKU Turku Airport Turku
EFTV Turku University Central Hospital Heliport Turku
Ulko-Tammio Helipad Hamina
Ummeljoki Kw Ultralight Airfield Myllykoski
EFUT UTI Utti Air Base Utti / Valkeala
EFVL Vaala Airfield Vaala
EFVA VAA Vaasa Airport Vaasa
EFVP Vampula Airfield Huittinen
EFVR VRK Varkaus Airport Varkaus / Joroinen
EFVI Viitasaari Airfield Viitasaari
EFVU Vuotso Airfield Vuotso
EFWB Wredeby Airfield Anjalankoski
EFYL YLI Ylivieska Airfield Ylivieska-Raudaskyla
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Dauntless Aviation

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