Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Germany


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Weper Airfield Moringen, NI
EDKW Werdohl-Küntrop Airfield Neuenrade, NW
EDBW Werneuchen Airfield Werneuchen, BR
Werra-Meißner Eschwege Hospital Heliport Eschwege, HE
EDRV Wershofen/Eifel Airfield Wershofen, RP
Wertach Hospital Bobingen Heliport Bobingen, BY
Wertheim Airfield Wertheim, BW
EDLX Wesel-Römerwardt Airfield Wesel, NW
EDWM Weser-Wümme Airfield Hellwege, NI
Westallgäu Clinic Wangen Heliport Wangen im Allgäu, BW
Westerenger Airfield Enger, NW
EDXW GWT Westerland Sylt Airport Sylt, SH
EDWX Westerstede-Felde Airfield Westerstede, NI
Westhausen Ultralight Airfield Westhausen, TH
Westpfalz Hospital Kaiserslautern Heliport Kaiserslautern, RP
Westphalia Miners' Hospital Heliport Dortmund, NW
EDWP Wiefelstede-Conneforde Airfield Wiefelstede, NI
ETOU WIE Wiesbaden Army Airfield Wiesbaden, HE
Wildberg Airfield Weißensberg, BY
Wildberg Glider Airfield Wildberg, BW
EDZD Wilhelmsburg Barracks Heliport (Closed) Ulm, BW
KKKW Wilhelmstift Catholic Children's Hospital Helipad Hamburg, HH
EDVQ Wilsche Glider Field Gifhorn, NI
EDTW Winzeln-Schramberg Airfield Schramberg, BW
EDKN Wipperfürth-Neye Airfield Wipperfürth, NW
EDCW Wismar Airfield Wismar, MV
ETNT Wittmundhafen Air Base Wittmund, NI
ETGW Wittstock Air Base (Closed) Wittstock, BR
Witzenhausen-Burgberg Glider Field Witzenhausen, HE
Wolfenbüttel Municipal Hospital Heliport (Christoph 30) Wolfenbüttel, NI
KKWR Wolfratshausen District Clinic Heliport Wolfratshausen, BY
EDFV Worms Airfield Worms, RP
ETNW Wunstorf Air Base Wunstorf, NI
WZB Wurzburg Hbf Wurzburg, BY
Würzburg University Hospital Rooftop Heliport Würzburg, BY
Würzburg University Hospital Straubmühlweg Heliport Würzburg, BY
EDFW Würzburg-Schenkenturm Airfield Würzburg, BY
Wurzen Hospital Heliport Wurzen, SN
EDXY OHR Wyk Auf Föhr Airport Wyk Auf Föhr, SH
Zeitz Hospital Heliport Zeitz, ST
EDNZ Zell-Haidberg Airfield Zell Im Fichtelgebirge, BY
Zellhausen Sport Airfield Zellhausen, HE
EDUZ Zerbst Airfield Straguth, ST
Ziegenhain-Der Ring Airfield Schwalmstadt, HE
Zierenberg Airfield Zierenberg, HE
Zschorna Ultralight Airfield Lossatal, SN
EDRZ ZQW Zweibrücken Airport Zweibrücken, RP
EDBI Zwickau Airfield Zwickau, SN
Zwochau Cropduster Strip Wiedemar, SN
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