Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Portugal


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
LPSM Santa Maria Hospital Helipad Lisbon
LPSR Santarém Airfield Santarém
Santarém Hospital Heliport Santarém
LPAV São Jacinto Airfield Aveiro
LPSJ SJZ São Jorge Airport Velas
LPSS São Sebastião Hospital Helipad Santa Maria da Feira
LPSD Sardoal Heliport Sardoal
LPSI SIE Sines Airport (Closed) Sines
Sines heliport Sines
LPST Sintra Air Base Sintra
LPTN Tancos Airbase Tancos
Tojeira Airfield Ul Sintra
LPTH Tomar Hospital Helipad Tomar
LPNV Torres Novas Hospital Heliport Torres Novas
Torres Vedras Heliport Torres Vedras
Urros ULM Urros
V. Das Areias Airfield Samora Correia
V.N.Milfontes (Closed) Odemira
Vendas Novas Airstrip Vendas Novas
Viana do Alentejo Aerodrome (Closed) Viana do Alentejo
LPVC Viana do Castelo Hospital Helipad Viana do Castelo
LPXR Vila Franca de Xira Hospital Helipad Vila Franca de Xira
LPVR VRL Vila Real Airport Vila Real
LPVM Vilamoura Aerodrome Vilamoura
LPVL Vilar de Luz Airfield Maia
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Dauntless Aviation

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