Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Australia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
YGGS Gregory Springs Airport Porcupine, Queensland, QLD
YXGL Grenfell - Lawson Oval HLS Grenfell, NSW
YGNF GFE Grenfell Airport Grenfell, NSW
YGTH GFF Griffith Airport Griffith, NSW
YGTE GTE Groote Eylandt Airport Groote Eylandt, NT
YGRD Grovedale Airport (Closed) , VIC
YGRM GYZ Gruyere Airport Cosmo Newbery, WA
YGTJ Gudjekbinj West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YGGG Gulgong Aero Park Airport Gulgong, NSW
YGUL Gullewa Airport Yalgoo, Western Australia, WA
YGUB Gumarrirnbang West Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
YGBW Gunbower Airport Gunbower, Victoria, VIC
YXGW Gundagai Medical Helicopter Landing Site Gundagai, NSW
YGDO Gundaroo Airport , NSW
YGUW Gunnawarra Airport Gunnawarra, Queensland, QLD
Gunnedah Airfield SES Only Gunnedah, NSW
YGDH GUH Gunnedah Airport Gunnedah, NSW
YXGU Gunnedah Hospital Helipad Gunnedah, NSW
YGPR Gunpowder Airport , QLD
YSKI Gunyangara Airstrip Gunyangara, NT
YGUM Gurrumurru East Arnhem, Northern Territor, NT
Guthega Helicopter Landing Site Guthega, NSW
YGYM GYP Gympie Airport Gympie, QLD
Gypsy Springs - African Mahogany HLS , NT
YHAA Haasts Bluff Airport , NT
YHRG Haddon Rig Airport , NSW
YLTH Hagley Hagley, Tasmania, TAS
YHAG Haig Airport Rawlinna, Western Australia, WA
Hail Creek Mine Heliport Nebo, QLD
Halfway House HLS , NSW
YHAL Hall Airport Wallaroo, NSW
YHLC HCQ Halls Creek Airport Halls Creek, WA
Hamelin Airstrip Hamelin Pool, WA
YHMY Hamersley Mt Sheila, Western Australia, WA
YHMT Hamilton Airport Marla, South Australia, SA
YHML HLT Hamilton Airport Hamilton, VIC
YHMD Hamilton Downs Albion, Queensland, QLD
Hamilton downs Airstrip Burt Plain, NT
YBHM HTI Hamilton Island Airport Hamilton Island, QLD
PBY Hamilton/Proserpine Peppers Palm Bay, NSW
YHPB HAP Happy Bay Helipad Long Island, QLD
YHPY Happy Valley Heliport Fraser Island, QLD
YHAE Harden Airport Harden, New South Wales, NSW
YHAF Harefield Harefield, New South Wales, NSW
Harriedale Airfield Harriedale, NSW
YHSC Harris Creek Numburindi, Northern Territory, NT
Harrismith Airport Harrismith, WA
YHTS Harts Range Airport Hart, Northern Territory, NT
YHVH Harvest Home Airport Seventy Mile, Queensland, QLD
Hawker gate House airstrip (Milparinka) Milparinka, NSW
YXHA Hawkesbury Hospital Helipad Windsor, NSW
YHAY HXX Hay Airport Hay, NSW
YHFD Hayfield Birdum, Northern Territory, NT
YHYN HIS Hayman Island Heliport Hayman Island Resort
HIS Hayman Island Resort Seaplane Base Hayman Island, QLD
YHAZ Hazelton Private Airstrip Ningi, QLD
YHDY HIP Headingly Airport Piturie, Queensland, QLD
YHCT Heathcote Emergency Airport , NSW
YHTL HAT Heathlands Airport Shelburne, QLD
Hebel airstrip Hebel, QLD
YHEC Heck Field Airport , QLD
YHEW Hedlow Airport Mulara, QLD
YHLN Helen Springs Airstrip Pamayu, Northern Territory, NT
YHEL HLV Helenvale Airport Helenvale, QLD
YHEG Hells Gate Airport Nicholson, Queensland, QLD
YHBY HRY Henbury Airport Ghan, NT
Henty Airport Henty, NSW
HentyField Days Site Airport Henty, NSW
YHBD Herbert Downs Toko, Queensland, QLD
YHTN Herberton Airport , QLD
YHCS Herbertvale Cattleyard Airport , QLD
YHMB HMG Hermannsburg Airport Hermannsburg (Ntaria), NT
YHRN HRN Heron Island Helipad Heron Island
YHBA HVB Hervey Bay Airport Hervey Bay, QLD
YXHE Hervey Bay Hospital Helipad Hervery Bay, QLD
YHBG Heybridge Cuprona, Tasmania, TAS
YHKI Hicks Island Queensland, QLD
YHIV Hidden Valley Birdum, Northern Territory, NT
YHAB Hideaway Bay Airport Cape Gloucester, Queensland, QLD
YHHY HIG Highbury Airport Highbury, QLD
YHMH Hillary's Marina Helipad , WA
YHLG Hillgrove Airport , QLD
YHLM Hillman Farm Airport Darkan, WA
Hillsborough Airstrip Ravenswood, QLD
YHLD Hillside (Qld) Cloncurry, Queensland, QLD
YHIL HLL Hillside Airport Hillside, WA
Hillside Station Airfield Hillside Station, WA
YHLS Hillston Airport , NSW
YHTA Hiltaba Airport Yardea, South Australia, SA
HNK Hinchinbrook Island Hinchinbrook Island, QLD
Hindmarsh International Airport Hindmarsh, SA
Hindmarsh Island private strip Hindmarsh Island, SA
YGAD Hmas Stirling Military Airport Garden Island, WA
YMHB HBA Hobart International Airport Hobart (Cambridge), TAS
YHOV Hodgeson River Airfield Hodgeson River, NT
YHDD Hodgson Downs Airport Miniyeri, Northern Territory, NT
YHBK Holbrook Airport Holbrook, NSW
YHOY Hollins Bay Airport , QLD
YHOL Holroyd Strathburn, Queensland, QLD
YSHW Holsworthy (Military) Airport Luscombe, NSW
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