Dauntless Aviation
Airports GERMANY
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Bonn University Hospital Heliport Bonn, NW
EDKB BNJ Bonn-Hangelar Airfield Bonn, NW
ETHH Bonn-Hardthöhe Air Base Bonn, NW
EDNQ Bopfingen Airfield Bopfingen, BW
EDWA Bordelum Airfield (Closed) Bredstedt, SH
Borghorst Airfield Steinfurt, NW
EDLB Borkenberge Airfield Lüdinghausen, NW
EDLY Borken-Hoxfeld Airfield Borken, NW
EDWR BMK Borkum Airport Borkum, NI
Borkum Heliport Borkum, NI
Bösingen-Dunningen Airfield Bösingen, BW
EDGT Bottenhorn Airfield Bad Endbach, HE
Brakel Airfield Brakel, NW
Brambauer Hospital Heliport Brambauer, NW
EDUB Brandenburg-Briest Airport (Closed) Brandenburg An Der Havel, BR
EDBE Brandenburg-Mühlenfeld Airfield Brandenburg an der Havel, BR
Brannenburg Airfield Brannenburg, BY
Brauna Airfield Kamenz, SN
Braunfels Airfield Kronberg Im Taunus, HE
EDVE BWE Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport Braunschweig, NI
Bredstedt Airfield Bredstedt, SH
EDGB Breitscheid Airfield Breitscheid, HE
EDDW BRE Bremen Airport Bremen, HB
EDWB BRV Bremerhaven Airport (Closed) Bremerhaven, HB
EDTG Bremgarten Airfield Eschbach, BW
EDKO Brilon-Hochsauerland Airfield Brilon, NW
ETJA Brockzetel Glider Field Aurich, NI
Brodau Cropduster Strip Delitsch, SN
EDBQ Bronkow Airfield Luckaitztal, BR
Bruchsal dropzone , BW
ETUR BGN Brüggen Air Base (Closed) Niederkrüchten, NW
Buccara Heliport Bad Honnef, NW
ETSB Büchel Air Base Alflen, RP
Büchig Airfield Ostheim, BY
ETHB Bückeburg-Weinberg Airfield Porta Westfalica, NW
Büren Airfield Büren, NW
EDBG Burg Airfield Burg Bei Magdeburg, ST
EDQE URD Burg Feuerstein Airport Ebermannstadt, BY
Burgebrach Ultralight Airfield Burgebrach, BY
Burgheim Airfield Burgheim, BY
Burgholzhausen Rotorflug Heliport Friedrichsdorf, HE
Buttstädt Heliport Buttstädt, TH
ETBB Butzweilerhof (Bel) , NW
Bwkam Amberg, BY
Carl Thien Hospital Cottbus Heliport Cottbus, BR
Catholic Clinic Marienhof Koblenz Heliport Koblenz, RP
Catholic Hospital Sankt Johann Nepomuk Erfurt Heliport Erfurt, TH
ETHC ZCN Celle Army Airfield Celle, NI
EDVC Celle-Arloh Airfield Celle, NI
Cham Hospital Heliport Cham, BY
Cham-Janahof Airfield Cham, BY
EDKK Charité Clinic Benjamin Franklin Campus Heliport Berlin, BE
Charité Clinic Virchow Campus Heliport Berlin, BE
ZTZ Chemnitz Railway Stn. Chemnitz, MV
EDCJ Chemnitz/Jahnsdorf Airfield Jahnsdorf, SN
Chemnitz-Glösa Industrial Park Heliport Chemnitz, SN
Christian Hospital Unna Central Heliport Unna, NW
Christian Hospital Unna West Heliport Unna, NW
Christoph Westfalen-ADAC Greven, NW
Christoph 12 Luftrettungszentrum , SH
Christoph Hansa ADAC Helipad Hamburg, HH
Christophsbad Heliport Göppingen, BW
EDQC Coburg-Brandensteinsebene Airfield Coburg, BY
EDQY Coburg-Steinrücken Airfield Coburg, BY
EDBC CSO Cochstedt Airport Hecklingen, ST
ETOR Coleman Army Air Field (Closed) Coleman, BW
Collm Clinic Oschatz Heliport Oschatz, SN
EDDK CGN Cologne Bonn Airport Köln (Cologne), NW
QKL Cologne Railway Cologne, NW
Coswig Specialty Hospital Heliport Coswig, SN
ETHT Cottbus Army Airfield (Closed) Cottbus, BR
ZTT Cottbus Railway Stn. Cottbus, BR
EDCD CBU Cottbus-Drewitz Airport (Closed) Jänschwalde, BR
EDAP Cottbus-Neuhausen Airfield Neuhausen/Spree, BR
Crailsheim Hospital Heliport Crailsheim, BW
Crawinkel Airfield Ohrdruf, TH
Crussow Airfield (Closed) Angermünde, BR
EDMD Dachau-Gröbenried Airfield Bergkirchen, BY
EDKV Dahlemer Binz Airfield Dahlhem, NW
EDWC Damme Airfield Damme, NI
Dankern Airfield Haren (Ems), NI
Darmstadt Hospital Heliport Darmstadt, HE
Dauborn Airfield Hünfelden, HE
Daun-Senheld Gliderport Mehren, RP
EDSD Deckenpfronn-Egelsee Airfield Sindelfingen, BW
EDMW Deggendorf Airfield Deggendorf, BY
Degmarn Glider Field Oedheim, BW
Dehausen Airfield Diemelstadt, HE
Deisterflieger UL , NI
DEKRA Lausitzring Heliport Schipkau, BR
Der Dingel Airfield Hofgeismar, HE
Dernbach Sacred Heart Hospital Heliport Dernbach (Westerwald), RP
EDAD Dessau Airfield Dessau-Roßlau, ST
Dessau Municipal Hospital Ground Heliport Dessau-Roßlau, ST
Dessau Municipal Hospital Rooftop Heliport Dessau-Roßlau, ST
ZSU Dessau Railway Stn. Dessau, ST
EDUD Detmold (UK-Army) , NW
EDLJ Detmold Airfield Detmold, NW
Deutsches Herzzentrum München Heliport München, BY
ETND Diepholz Air Base Diepholz, NI
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