Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Central African Republic


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FEFA Alindao Airport Alindao
FEGM BMF Bakouma Airport Bakouma
FEFM BBY Bambari Airport Bambari
FEGB Bambouli Airport Bambouli
Bamingui Airport Bamingui
FEFG BGU Bangassou Airport Bangassou
FEFV Bangui City
FEFF BGF Bangui M'poko International Airport Bangui
FEGF BTG Batangafo Airport Batangafo
Bayanga Airport Bayanga
FEFT BBT Berbérati Airport Berbérati
FEFI IRO Birao Airport Birao
FEGC Bocaranga Airport Bocaranga
Boda Airport Boda
FEFS BSN Bossangoa Airport Bossangoa
FEFL Bossembélé Airport (Closed) Bossembélé
FEFO BOP Bouar Airport Bouar
FEGU BCF Bouca Airport Bouca
FEGZ BOZ Bozoum Airport Bozoum
FEFR BIV Bria Airport Bria
FEFC CRF Carnot Airport Carnot
FEFD Damara Airport Damara
FEGD Dekoa Airport Dekoa
FEGG Gamboula Airport Gamboula
FEGL GDI Gordil Airport Melle
Goro Airport Goro
GDA Gounda Airport (Closed) Gounda
FEGI Grimari Airport Grimari
FEFQ Kaga-Bandoro Airport Kaga-Bandoro
KWD Kavadja Airport Kavadja
KWD Kawadjia Kawadjia
FEFK Kembé Airport Kembé
Kouango Airport Kouango
KOL Koumala Airport (Closed) Koumala
FEGE MKI M'Boki Airport Mboki
FEFE Mobaye Mbanga Airport Mobaye Mbanga
FEFN NDL N'délé Airport N'délé
Nola Airport Nola
Obo Airport Obo
FEFW ODA Ouadda Airport Ouadda
ODJ Ouanda Djalle Ouanda Djalle
FEGO ODJ Ouanda Djallé Airport Ouanda Djallé
Ouandjia Sam Airport Ouandja
FEFP Paoua Airport Paoua
FEFB Poste Airport Obo
FEGR RFA Rafaï Airport Rafaï
FEFU Sibut Airport Sibut
FEFY AIG Yalinga Airport Yalinga
FEFZ IMO Zemio Airport Zemio
Dauntless Aviation

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