Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Lesotho


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FXBB Bobete Airport Bobete
FXKA Katse Airport Katse
FXKB Kolberg Airport Kolberg
FXKY Kuebunyane Airstrip
FXLK LEF Lebakeng Airport Lebakeng
FXLR LRB Leribe Airport Leribe
FXLS LES Lesobeng Airport Lesobeng
FXLT Letseng Airport Letseng
FXMF MFC Mafeteng Airport Mafeteng
FXML Malefiloane Airstrip Malefiloane
FXMN Mantsonyane Airport Mantsonyane
FXMS Mashai Store Airport Mashai Store
FXMT Matabeng Store Airport Matabeng Store
FXMV Matabeng Village Airport Matabeng Village
FXMA MSG Matsaile Airport Matsaile
FXMU Mejametalana Airbase Maseru
FXMH Mohale's Hoek Airport Mohale's Hoek
FXMP Mohlanapeng Airport Mohlanapeng
FXMK MKH Mokhotlong Airport Mokhotlong
FXMM MSU Moshoeshoe I International Airport Maseru
FXNK NKU Nkaus Airport Nkaus
FXNH Nohanas Airport Nohanas
FXPG PEL Pelaneng Airport Pelaneng
FXQN UNE Qacha's Nek Airport Qacha's Nek
FXQG UTG Quthing Airport Quthing
FXSE Sehlabathebe Airport Sehlabathebe
FXSH SHK Sehonghong Airport Sehonghong
FXSK SKQ Sekakes Airport Sekakes
FXSM SOK Semonkong Airport Semonkong
FXSS SHZ Seshutes Airport Seshutes
FXST St. Theresa Airport St. Theresa
FXTB Tebellong Airport Tebellong
FXTA THB Thaba-Tseka Airport Thaba-Tseka
FXTK TKO Tlokoeng Airport Tlokoeng
Dauntless Aviation

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