Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Libya


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Abu Aisha Agricultural Aviation Airport Ghashir
HLAG Ajdabiya Airport Ajdabiya
HLLQ LAQ Al Abraq International Airport Al Albraq
HLJF Al Jufra Airport
Al Khadim Airport Charruba
Al Khuwaymat Airport
Al Mansura West Airport Al Mansura
Al Wigh Airport Al Wigh
HLZN ZIS Alzintan Airport Zintan
HLAM Amal V12 Airport Amal V12
Ash Shwayrif Airport Ash Shwayrif
Athadi Airport
Atshan field
HLWD Bani Waled Airport Bani Waled
HLBD Beda (M-3) Airport Beda M3
Benghazi Aviation Club Airport Benghazi
HLLB BEN Benina International Airport Benina
Bir El Baheira Airfield (Closed)
Bir Umran Airport
HLBU Bombah Airport Bombah
HLBS Booster Airport
BCQ Brak Airport Brak
HLFL Bu Attifel Airport Buattifel
HLRA Dahra Airport Dahra
HLDB Eddib V7 Eddib V7
HLFE El Feel Airport
HLCH El Sherara Field Airport Taramhe
HLMJ Elmarj Airport Al Marj
HLFD Fidda Oilfield Airport Zillah
HLSD Former Sidra Airport (Closed) Sidra
Gabr Airstrip
HLTD LTD Ghadames East Airport Ghadames
HLDB Ghani Field Airport Zillah
Gharyan International Airport Abo-Maade
HLGT GHT Ghat Airport Ghat
HLHM Hamada-Nc5 Airport Hamada Nc-5
HLNM Hamada-Nc8 Airport Hamada Nc-8
HLHB Hateiba Airport
HLON HUQ Hon Airport Hon
Jalou Jalu
HLRF Jaref Airport
Jofra Oilfield Airport Jofra
HLBK Kambut Airport (Closed) Kambut
HLKF AKF Kufra Airport Kufra, Kufra
HLMB LMQ Marsa al Brega Airport Marsa al Brega
HLMT DNF Martuba Air Base Martuba
Matan al-Sarra Air Base
HLML Messla-5alv Airport Messla
HLMS MRA Misrata International Airport Misrata
HLLM MJI Mitiga International Airport Tripoli
QMQ Murzuq Murzuq
NFR Nafoora Nafoora
Nafurah 1
HLNR NFR Nafurah 1 Airport Nafurah 1
Nanur Airport Bani Waled
Okba Ibn Nafa Air Base
Oxy a 103
HLZG Oxy a 103 Airport Oxy a 103
HLRG Raguba Airport Adjabiya
HLNF Ras Lanuf Airport Ras Lanuf
Ras Lanuf Highway Airport Ras Lanuf
HLSB Sabah Airport
HLLS SEB Sabha Airport Sabha
HLSH Sahil Airport Sahil
HLSM Samah Warehouse 59l Airport
HLSA Sarir (C-4) Airport Sarir
SRX Sert Sert
Sidra Airport Sidra
HLGD SRX Sirt International Airport / Ghardabiya Airbase Sirt
HLTM Tamanhint Airport Tamanhint
HLTS Tebesty-V9 Airport Tebesty V-9
HLTQ TOB Tobruk International Airport Adam
HLLL Tripoli Harbor Tripoli
HLLT TIP Tripoli International Airport (Closed) Tripoli
HLUB QUB Ubari Airport Ubari
HLWN Waddan Airport
Wadi Barjuj Airport Wadi Barjuj
HLWF Wafa Airport
Warehouse 59a
HLWA Warehouse 59a Airport Warehouse 59a
HLGL Warehouse 59e Airport Giallo
Waw al Kabir Airport
HLZA Zella 74 Airport Zillah
HLZT Zelten C6 Airstrip Adjabiya
Zliten Commercial Airport Zliten
HLZU Zueitina Zueitina
HLZU Zuetina Airport Ajdabiya
HLZW WAX Zuwarah International Airport Zuwarah
Dauntless Aviation

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