Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Senegal


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
GOTB BXE Bakel Airport Bakel
GOBD DSS Blaise Diagne International Airport Dakar
GOGS CSK Cap Skirring Airport Cap Skirring
GOOD Diourbel
Djilor Pout Pout Airport Djilor
Dodji Airport Dodji
GOOK KLC Kaolack Airport Kaolack
GOTK KGG Kédougou Airport Kédougou
GOGK KDA Kolda/Sare Bidji Airport Kolda
GOOY DKR Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport Dakar
GOOG Linguère Airport Linguère
NIK Niokolo-Koba Airport Niokolo-Koba National Park
GOSM MAX Ouro Sogui Airport Ouro Sogui
GOSP POD Podor Airport Podor
GOSR RDT Richard Toll Airport Richard Toll
GOSS XLS Saint Louis Airport Saint Louis
Saly-Joseph Aerodrome Saly
GOTS SMY Simenti Airport Simenti
GOTT TUD Tambacounda Airport Tambacounda
Thiès Airport Thiès
GOGG ZIG Ziguinchor Airport Ziguinchor
Dauntless Aviation

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