Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Kyrgyzstan


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Ak Bashat Airport Ak Bashat village
Ak Bashat Airport Ak Bashat village
Aravan West Airport (Closed) Aravan
UAFR Balykchy Airport (Closed) Balykchy
UCFB Batken Airport Batken
Bazar Kurgan Airport (Closed) Bazar Kurgan
UABA Burana Airport Burana village
Chatkel Agri Airport Chatkel
UAFG Cholpon-Ata Airport Cholpon-Ata
Chon Aryk Airport Bishkek
Frunze Northwest Airport Bishkek
Irkeshtam Heliport Irkeshtam
UCFL IKU Issyk-Kul International Airport Tamchy
UCFD Jalal-Abad Airport Jalal-Abad
UAFW Kant Air Base Kant
UCFK IKG Karakol Airport Karakol
Kara-Kuldja Airport Kara-Kuldja
UAFZ Kazarman Airport Kazarman
UAFE Kerben Airport Kerben
UAFS Kyzyl-Kiya Airport Kyzyl-Kiya
Madaniyat Airport (Closed) Madaniyat
UCFM FRU Manas International Airport Bishkek
UAFN Naryn Airport Naryn
UAFC Naryn Northeast Naryn Province
Novopokrovskiyi Airport Novopokrovka
UCFO OSS Osh Airport Osh
Osh West Airport (Closed) Osh
Pokrovka Airport Pokrovka
UCFR Razzakov Airport Isfana
Sretenka Airport Sretenka
Suzak Airport (Closed) Suzak
UAFT Talas Airport Talas
UAFA Tamga Airport Tamga
UAFF Tokmok Airport Tokmok
UAFX Toktogul Airport Toktogul
Torktul Airport (Closed) Zarger
Verkhnyaya Alaarcha Airport Verkhnyaya Alaarcha
Dauntless Aviation

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