Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Laos


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
VLVV VGG Above Laos Ballooning (Closed) Vang Vieng
VLAP AOU Attopeu Airport Attopeu
VLHS HOE Ban Huoeisay Airport Huay Xai
BOR Bokeo International Airport Ton Phueng
VLFL PCQ Boun Neau Airport Phongsaly
Khoksa Airfield
KOG Khong Khong
VLLN LXG Luang Namtha Airport Luang Namtha
VLLB LPQ Luang Phabang International Airport Luang Phabang
VLKG Muang Khong
UON Muong Sai Muong Sai
VLMG Muong-Sing
VLNK Nongkhang airport
VLOS ODY Oudomsay Airport Oudomsay
VLPL Paklay
PKS Paksane Paksane
VLPS PKZ Pakse International Airport Pakse
VLPV Phonesavanh Airport Phong Savanh
VLPH Phonhong
VLSV VNA Salavan Airport Salavan
VLSN NEU Sam Neua Airport Sam Neua
VLSK ZVK Savannakhet Airport Savannakhet
VLSB ZBY Sayaboury Airport Sainyabuli
SND Seno Seno
VLSP Sepon Airport
VLTK THK Thakhek Airport Thakhek
UDO Udomxay Udomxay
VNG Viengxay Viengxay
VLVT VTE Wattay International Airport Vientiane
XAY Xayabury Xayabury
VLXK XKH Xieng Khouang Airport Xieng Khouang
Xieng Khouang North
VLXL XIE Xienglom Airport Xienglom
Dauntless Aviation

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