Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Myanmar


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
VYAS Anisakan Airport Anisakan
VYAN VBA Ann Airport Aeng
VYBG NYU Bagan Airport Nyaung U
VYBM BMO Banmaw Airport Banmaw
VYBP VBP Bokpyinn Airport Bokpyinn
VYCZ VBC Chanmyathazi Airport Mandalay
VYCI Coco Island Airport Cocokyun, Andaman and Nicobar
VYTV Dawei
VYDW TVY Dawei Airport Dawei
VYGG GAW Gangaw Airport Gangaw
VYGW GWA Gwa Airport Gwa
VYPG Hanthawaddy International Airport (Under Construction) (Closed) Bago
VYHH HEH Heho Airport Heho
VYHT HEB Hinthada Airport Hinthada
VYHB Hmawbi Air Base Hmawbi
VYHL HOX Hommalinn Airport Hommalinn
VYPA PAA Hpa-N Airport Hpa-N
VYPP PPU Hpapun Airport Pa Pun
VYKL KMV Kalay Airport Kalemyo
VYKI KHM Kanti Airport Kanti
VYKT KAW Kawthoung Airport Kawthoung
VYKG KET Kengtung Airport Kengtung
VYXG KYT Kyaukhtu South Airport Kyaukhtu South
VYKP KYP Kyaukpyu Airport Kyaukpyu
VYKU KYT Kyauktu Airport Kyauktu
Langkho Airport Langhko
VYLY Lanywa Airport Lanywa
VYLS LSH Lashio Airport Lashio
Little Coco Island Heliport Cocokyun, Andaman and Nicobar
Little Coco Island North Heliport Cocokyun, Andaman and Nicobar
VYLK LIW Loikaw Airport Loikaw
VYLN Lonekin Airport Lonekin
VYMW MWQ Magway Airport Magway
VYMN MGU Manaung Airport Manaung
VYMD MDL Mandalay International Airport Mandalay
VYMM MNU Mawlamyine Airport Mawlamyine
VYML Meiktila Air Base Meiktila
VYMO MOE Momeik Airport Momeik
VYMH Mong Hpayak Airport Mong Hpayak
VYMS MOG Mong Hsat Airport Mong Hsat
VYMT MGK Mong Tong Airport Mong Tong
VYMP Mongpyin Airport Mongpyin
VYMI Mongyai Airport Mongyai
VYMY NYW Monywar Airport Monywar
VYMU Mrauk-U Airport Mrauk-U
VYME MGZ Myeik Airport Mkeik
VYMK MYT Myitkyina Airport Myitkyina
Myoungmya Airport Myoungmya
VYNP Nampong Air Base Myitkyina
VYNS NMS Namsang Airport Namsang
VYNU NMT Namtu Airport Namtu
VYNM Naungmom Airport Naungmom
VYNT NYT Nay Pyi Taw International Airport Pyinmana
Nyaung U
VYPU PKK Pakhokku Airport Pakhokku
VYPW Palaw Airport Palaw
VYPN BSX Pathein Airport Pathein
VYPK PAU Pauk Airport Pauk
VYPI Pearl Island Airport Pearl Island
VYPB Phonngbyin Airport Phonngbyin
VYPL Pinlebu Airport Pinlebu
Preparis East Heliport Cocokyun, Andaman and Nicobar
Preparis Heliport Cocokyun, Andaman and Nicobar
VYPT PBU Putao Airport Putao
VYPY PRU Pyay Airport Pye
VYSL Salingyi Airport Salingyi
VYSA Saw Airport Saw
VYPE Seinzan (Paletwa) Airport Paletwa
VYST Shante Air Base Meiktila
Shinbweyang Airport Shinbweyang
VYSW AKY Sittwe Airport Sittwe
VYFS SRU Surbung Airport Falam
Table Island Heliport Cocokyun, Andaman and Nicobar
VYTL THL Tachileik Airport Tachileik
VYTN Tanai Airport Tanai
VYTY Tanyang Airport Tanyang
VYTO Taungoo Airport Taungoo
VYTD SNW Thandwe Airport Thandwe
VYTT Thaton
VYHN TIO Tilin Airport Tilin
VYYY RGN Yangon International Airport Yangon
VYYE XYE Ye Airport Ye
Zin Bar Heliport Yebyu
Dauntless Aviation

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