Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
LQBK BNX Banja Luka International Airport Mahovljani
LQBZ Banja Luka Zalužani Airfield Zalužani
LQBI Bihać Golubić Airfield Bihać
LQMG Brčko-Brod Airfield Brod
LQCG Ciljuge Sport Airfield (Closed) Bašigovci
Dragon Airfield Suvo Polje
LQGO Gorice Airfield Gorice
Grad Sunca Helipad Trebinje
Koprivna Begovac Airfield Modriča
LQKR Kreševo Airstrip Kreševo
LQLV Livno Brda Bosni Airfield Livno
LQMP Medeno Polje Airstrip
LQMO OMO Mostar International Airport Mostar
LQNI Nisici Airfield Šabanci
PPG Paragliding Field Sanski Most
LQPD Prijedor Urije Airfield Prijedor
Rajlovac Helicopter Base Sarajevo
LQSA SJJ Sarajevo International Airport Sarajevo
LQPP Sport Airfield Popovi Popovi-Bijeljina
Trebinje Helipad Trebinje
LQTZ TZL Tuzla International Airport Dubrave Gornje
LQJL Tuzla Jegin Lug Sport Airfield Rainci Gornji
LQVK Velika Kladusa Velika Kladusa
LQVI Visoko Kenan Jusufbasic Airfield Visoko
Dauntless Aviation

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