Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America El Salvador


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
MSBS Barillas Airport Barrillas
MSCN Casas Nuevas Airport Jiquilisco
MSCD Ceiba Doblada Airport Ceiba Doblada
MSCM Corral De Mulas Airport Corral de Mulas
MSJC El Jocotillo Airport El Jocotillo
MSSA El Palmer Airport Santa Ana
MSSM El Papalon Airport San Miguel
MSPT El Platanar Airport Suchitoto
El Playón Airport (Closed) San Fernando
MSRC El Ronco Airport Metapán
MSET El Tamarindo Airport Canoguero
MSZT El Zapote Airport Barra de Santiago
MSES Espiritu Santo Airport Espíritu Santo
MSSS ILS Ilopango International Airport San Salvador
MSAC La Aramuaca Airport San Miguel
MSLC La Cabaña Airport La Cabaña
MSCR La Carrera Airport Jiquilisco
MSCH La Chepona Airport La Chepona
MSLG La Gloria Airport (Closed) San Salvador
MSCS Las Cachas Airport Cangrejera
MSLM Las Mesas Airport Las Mesas
MSLD Los Comandos Airport San Francisco Gotera
MSLP SAL Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero International Airport San Salvador (San Luis Talpa)
Puerto El Triunfo Airport Puerto El Triunfo
MSSJ Punta San Juan Airport Corral de Mulas
Rio Sucio Highway Airstrip El Botoncillal
MSSN San Ramon Airport San Ramón
Santa Rosa de Lima Airport Santa Rosa de Lima
Usulutan Private Airport Usulutan
Dauntless Aviation

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