Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Arkansas


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
6AR2 A J's (Closed) Casa, AR
14AR Ach Springdale Heliport Springdale, AR
44AR Air Evac Lifeteam 30 Heliport (Closed) Vilonia, AR
M73 Almyra Muni Almyra, AR
90AR Alos Fld Jonesboro, AR
0AR6 Ami Ntl Park Medical Center Heliport Hot Springs, AR
AR56 Amos (Closed) Oil Trough, AR
AR86 Ano Heliport (Closed) Russellville, AR
AR62 Arkansas Children's Hospital Heliport Little Rock, AR
6AR7 Arkansas Heart Hospital Heliport Little Rock, AR
KBYH BYH BYH Arkansas Intl Blytheville, AR
AR95 Arkansas Methodist Hospital Heliport Paragould, AR
AR38 Arkansas National Guard Emergency Access Heliport (Closed) Dardanelle, AR
12A Arkavalley Greenbrier, AR
12A Arkavalley (Closed) Conway, AR
AR93 Ark-Mo (Closed) Pollard, AR
KAZU AZU AZU Arrowhead Assault Strip Fort Chaffee, AR
AR07 Ashley County Hospital Heliport Crossett, AR
2AR5 Ashmore Fld Centerton, AR
41AR Ashworth Arkadelphia, AR
46AR Asp Lowell Heliport Lowell, AR
AR76 Augusta Heliport Augusta, AR
AR01 Baker Flying Service (Closed) Eudora, AR
M74 Bald Knob Muni Bald Knob, AR
62AR Banks Ranch Busch, AR
1AR3 Baptist Health Medical Center Conway Heliport Conway, AR
6AR4 Baptist Health Medical Center-Heber Springs Heliport Heber Springs, AR
5AR4 Baseline Holly Grove, AR
KBVX BVX BVX Batesville Rgnl Batesville, AR
KBPK BPK Baxter County Mountain Home, AR
5AR9 Baxter County Rgnl Hospital Heliport Mountain Home, AR
42AR Baxter County Sheriffs Heliport Mountain Home, AR
7M3 Bearce Mount Ida, AR
37AR Beech Creek (Closed) Hamburg, AR
77AR Benoit Airfield Hot Springs, AR
0AR3 Bent Hickory Air Ranch Point Cedar, AR
KVBT VBT VBT Bentonville Muni/Louise M Thaden Fld Bentonville, AR
65AR Bernard Manor (Closed) Earle, AR
13XS Bethal (Closed) Jacksonville, AR
KLIT LIT LIT Bill and Hillary Clinton Ntl/Adams Fld Little Rock, AR
0M0 Billy Free Muni Dumas, AR
35AR Black Horse Landing Ultralight (Closed) Eureka Springs, AR
KHKA HKA HKA Blytheville Muni Blytheville, AR
1AR3 Bob Norman Airstrip (Closed) Des Arc, AR
AR84 Bobwhite Hill Ranch (Closed) Mayflower, AR
KHRO HRO HRO Boone County Harrison, AR
4M2 Booneville Muni Booneville, AR
AR70 Bradley County Medical Center Heliport Warren, AR
1AR0 Breckenridge Beedeville, AR
17AR Bredlow Farm England, AR
AR43 Brickey Morrilton, AR
7AR4 Brown's (Closed) Searcy, AR
18AR Buck Mountain Eureka Springs, AR
2AR0 Bully Henry Lonoke, AR
AR17 Burns Aerodrome Palestine, AR
AR75 Burns Funeral Home Parking Lot Heliport (Closed) Yellville, AR
51AR Byrds Backcountry Airstrip Ozark, AR
72AR Caddo Lndg Glenwood, AR
37T Calico Rock Municipal Calico Rock, AR
AR06 Cantrell Farms Conway, AR
08AR Capps (Closed) England, AR
4M3 Carlisle Muni Carlisle, AR
4M1 Carroll County Berryville, AR
9AR1 Catlett Farms Briggsville, AR
25AR Cedar Creek Ranch Belleville, AR
78AR Cedar Crest Airstrip Diamond City, AR
AR03 Centerville Airstrip Centerville, AR
AR97 Chael (Closed) Wooster, AR
93AR Chambers Memorial Helipad Heliport Danville, AR
1AR5 Cherokee Strip Gentry, AR
11AR Chi St. Vincent Hospital Hot Springs Heliport Hot Springs, AR
AR61 Chicot Meml Hospital Heliport Lake Village, AR
AR91 Circle S Farms Lowell, AR
4M8 Clarendon Muni Clarendon, AR
H35 Clarksville Muni Clarksville, AR
23AR Classic Airstrip Jonesboro, AR
KCCA CCA Clinton Muni Clinton, AR
01AR Community Hospital of de Queen Heliport De Queen, AR
99AR Convergence Heliport Rogers, AR
KCXW CXW Conway Rgnl Conway, AR
4AR3 Conway Rgnl Health System Heliport Conway, AR
4M9 Corning Muni Corning, AR
1AR9 Country Air Estates Lonoke, AR
AR74 Cross Ridge Community Hospital Heliport Wynne, AR
5M5 Crystal Lake Decatur, AR
3AR6 Crystal Ridge Little Rock, AR
7AR9 Cullen Jonesboro, AR
06AR Cy Bond Meml Higden, AR
3AR3 Cypress Creek Cabot, AR
6AR0 Cypress Creek Airpark El Paso, AR
7AR5 Dallas County Medical Center Heliport Fordyce, AR
32A Danville Muni Danville, AR
AR32 Dardanelle Hospital Heliport Dardanelle, AR
36AR David Stanley Meml Gregory, AR
2AR2 Davidson Fld (Closed) Sage, AR
AR59 De Witt Hospital Heliport De Witt, AR
KDRP DRP Delta Rgnl Colt, AR
Dennis F Cantrell Field (Closed) Conway, AR
4M5 Dermott Muni Dermott, AR
5M1 Dewitt Muni/Whitcomb Fld De Witt, AR
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