Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Indiana


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
II48 Channel 13 Heliport (Closed) Indianapolis, IN
40IN Cherry Hill Freetown, IN
4II4 Chesak (Closed) North Judson, IN
0II0 Chuck's Albany, IN
IN73 Clarion North Medical Center Heliport Carmel, IN
19IN Clark (Closed) Frankfort, IN
KJVY JVY JVY Clark Rgnl Jeffersonville, IN
II76 Clay Hill Farms (Closed) Medora, IN
IN66 Clear Lake Heliport Clear Lake, IN
57P Clear Lake Seaplane Base Clear Lake, IN
IN09 Clifton (Closed) Boswell, IN
1I7 Clinton (Closed) Clinton, IN
68II Clinton County Fairgrounds Heliport Frankfort, IN
II07 Clover Knoll Cloverdale, IN
KBAK BAK BAK Columbus Muni Columbus, IN
2IN7 Columbus Rgnl Hospital Heliport Columbus, IN
01IN Community Hospital Heliport Anderson, IN
IN28 Community Hospital Heliport Munster, IN
8IN8 Community Hospital of Bremen Heliport Bremen, IN
1IN3 Confer's Place Arcola, IN
1I8 Converse Converse, IN
05IN Cooper Belleville, IN
99II Cooper Fld Reelsville, IN
6II4 Cornell (Closed) Boonville, IN
1IN6 Cottingham Pine Village, IN
IN34 Countryview Goshen, IN
II90 Crawford Field (Closed) North Judson, IN
KCFJ CFJ CFJ Crawfordsville Rgnl Crawfordsville, IN
II42 Creekside Farm (Closed) Noblesville, IN
0II2 Creighton (Closed) Bremen, IN
I58 Crooked Lake Seaplane Base Angola, IN
IN16 Crown Point Airfield Crown Point, IN
9II4 Cruzan Fld Arcadia, IN
3IN9 Culley Acres Mount Vernon, IN
IN27 Culp Francesville, IN
4IN8 Culp Farms (Closed) Rensselaer, IN
45II Cummings Fld (Closed) Rolling Prairie, IN
II12 Dague Strip Grass Creek, IN
51IN Dahnke (Closed) West Lafayette, IN
I01 Dallas Lake Seaplane Base Lagrange, IN
II00 Dammon Heliport (Closed) Battle Ground, IN
II75 Daugherty Field (Closed) Warren, IN
6II6 David Beiswanger Ultralight (Closed) South Milford, IN
KDCY DCY Daviess County Washington, IN
1II3 Davis (Closed) Carlisle, IN
03II Davis Fld Ultralight Mount Vernon, IN
3IN8 Ddt Fld (Closed) Culver, IN
4II0 De Ford Delphi, IN
KGWB GWB GWB De Kalb County Auburn, IN
14IN De Motte (Closed) De Motte, IN
16IN Deaconess Hospital Heliport Evansville, IN
IN94 Dearborn County Hospital Heliport Lawrenceburg, IN
IN35 Decatur County Meml Hospital Heliport Greensburg, IN
KMIE MIE MIE Delaware County Rgnl Muncie, IN
1I9 Delphi Muni Delphi, IN
99D Dewart Lake Seaplane Base Syracuse, IN
7IN8 Dewart Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Warsaw, IN
02IN Diamond P Fld Muncie, IN
3II9 Dick's Strip Arcola, IN
9II3 Dillon (Closed) North Liberty, IN
IN99 Donica Fld Morgantown, IN
IN77 Dotlich Heliport Brownsburg, IN
30IN Drago Air Mulberry, IN
4IN6 Dragons Den Heliport Danvillle, IN
49IN Drake (Closed) Sullivan, IN
II99 Drake Field (Closed) Walkerton, IN
17II Dreessen Fld Walkerton, IN
II91 Dunbar Fld Pittsboro, IN
IN12 Dungan Connersville, IN
9IN5 Dupont Hospital Heliport Fort Wayne, IN
3IN2 Dupouy (Closed) Point Isabel, IN
IN29 Durflinger Otterbein, IN
II68 Durham Russellville, IN
KEYE EYE EYE Eagle Creek Airpark Indianapolis, IN
58II Eagles Nest Boggstown, IN
4IN3 East Clear Heliport Clear Lake, IN
II74 Eby Fld Wakarusa, IN
I20 Ed-Air Oaktown, IN
II33 Eickholtz (Closed) Charlestown, IN
14IN Elkhart General Hospital Heliport Elkhart, IN
KEKM EKM EKM Elkhart Muni Elkhart, IN
06IN Ellis Fly-In (Closed) Blackhawk, IN
35IN Ellison Tipton, IN
3I1 Elwood (Closed) Elwood, IN
5II3 Engdahl Farm (Moonstraka) Heliport (Closed) Treviac, IN
4II5 Escc Heliport Hammond, IN
60IN Eskenazi Hospital Heliport Indianapolis, IN
II19 Etter (Closed) Lafayette, IN
KEVV EVV EVV Evansville Rgnl Evansville, IN
6II1 Executive Inn Heliport (Closed) Evansville, IN
IN98 Farm Strip (Closed) Finly, IN
II61 Fayette Memorial Hospital Heliport (Closed) Connersville, IN
37IN Felix Stockwell, IN
10IN Fence Fld Jasonville, IN
II06 Ferrell Cadiz, IN
3II2 Fifer Fld Ultralight Griffin, IN
15II Findlay Heliport Lafayette, IN
II77 Finney's Airpark Albany, IN
6IN4 Fischer Fld Waldron, IN
60IN Fisher Farm (Closed) Roanoke, IN
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dauntless Aviation

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