Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Kansas


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
SN88 Crosswind Airfield Louisburg, KS
SN16 Curtis (Closed) Kechi, KS
13KS Daniel's Landing Andover, KS
05KS Darbro Fld Elk City, KS
8KS3 Davis Airfield Hiawatha, KS
2KS4 Davis Field (Closed) Winfield, KS
11KS Davis Fld Winfield, KS
00FD Davis Fld (Closed) Winfiled, KS
7KS6 Deep Creek Manhattan, KS
5KS3 Deweze (Closed) Harper, KS
62KS Dexter Fld Cottonwood Falls, KS
80KS Diamond H Parsons, KS
2KS4 Dick (Closed) Spivey, KS
SN93 Dickson /Pvt/ (Closed) Miller, KS
K65 Dighton Dighton, KS
4KS9 Dinkel Victoria, KS
5KS2 Dittemore Fld Troy, KS
9KS9 Dmh (Closed) Salina, KS
KDDC DDC DDC Dodge City Rgnl Dodge City, KS
59KS Dunn Field (Closed) Beagle, KS
SN01 Dwight Eisenhower Va Medical Center Heliport Leavenworth, KS
7KS9 Eagle Fld Bentley, KS
SN64 Eck Fld Goddard, KS
2KS3 Edwards Grass Strip Fowler, KS
SN90 Eibes Airfield Mc Louth, KS
KEQA EQA EQA El Dorado/Capt Jack Thomas Meml El Dorado, KS
2K6 Elk County Moline, KS
KEHA EHA EHA Elkhart-Morton County Elkhart, KS
1K6 Ellinwood Muni Ellinwood, KS
9K7 Ellsworth Muni Ellsworth, KS
99KS Elm Creek Farms (Closed) Medicine Lodge, KS
SN69 Emmerson Hammond, KS
KEMP EMP EMP Emporia Muni Emporia, KS
74KS Ensminger Moran, KS
75KS Esplund Farm (Closed) Minneola, KS
7KS7 Evans (Closed) Oakley, KS
3KS4 Eveleigh Farms Ulysses, KS
42KS Farney Fld Kiowa, KS
SN08 Fisher Burrton, KS
SN21 Flory Baldwin City, KS
30KS Flugplatz Hutchinson, KS
2KS6 Flying H Seneca, KS
SN19 Flying H Ranch (Closed) Augusta, KS
01KS Flying N Ranch (Closed) Lost Springs, KS
7KS0 Flying T Oskaloosa, KS
41KS Flying Z Ranch Spring Hill, KS
KFSK FSK FSK Fort Scott Muni Fort Scott, KS
5KS2 Fortmeyer (Closed) Goodland, KS
SN58 Foster Fld El Dorado, KS
18K Fowler Fowler, KS
SN85 Fox Fire (Closed) Wellsville, KS
6KS6 Foxtrot Fld Ultralight Osawatomie, KS
1K7 Fredonia Fredonia, KS
3JC Freeman Fld Junction City, KS
95KS Fuller Airfield Maple Hill, KS
14KS G & S Space Port Parker, KS
SN97 G&Ag Moscow, KS
SN63 Gail Ballard Haviland, KS
KGCK GCK GCK Garden City Rgnl Garden City, KS
K34 Gardner Muni Gardner, KS
K68 Garnett Muni Garnett, KS
57KS Get Away Runway Emmett, KS
57K Gilmore (Closed) Pleasanton, KS
SN80 Girard District Hospital Heliport Girard, KS
5KS4 Goans Fld Fort Scott, KS
SN91 Godfrey Madison, KS
00IG Goltl Mcdonald, KS
1QK Gove County Quinter, KS
SN72 Graham Farms Harris, KS
50KS Grandpa's Farm (Closed) Pratt, KS
KGBD GBD GBD Great Bend Muni Great Bend, KS
9KS Greensburg Muni Greensburg, KS
79KS Greenwood County Hospital Heliport Eureka, KS
82KS Greg Post Farms Mapleton, KS
65KS Griffith Fld (Closed) Downs, KS
5KS4 Hall Farms (Closed) Kanorado, KS
SN05 Halstead Halstead, KS
1K3 Hamilton Field (Closed) Derby, KS
SN81 Hancock (Closed) Piper, KS
16KS Harmony Valley Independence, KS
SN37 Harold K Wells Elmdale, KS
K58 Harold Krier Fld Ashland, KS
8K2 Harper Muni Harper, KS
SN42 Harrod Ottawa, KS
9KS1 Hartland (Closed) Wellsville, KS
00KS Hayden Farm Gardner, KS
87KS Hayland Dorrance, KS
SN74 Hays Medical Center Heliport Hays, KS
KHYS HYS HYS Hays Rgnl Hays, KS
07KS Heape Fld Augusta, KS
63KS Heinen Seneca, KS
KHRU HRU HRU Herington Rgnl Herington, KS
SN59 Hermon Farm (Closed) Gardner, KS
K87 Hiawatha Muni Hiawatha, KS
46KS Hidden Valley Valley Center, KS
17Q Hiebert Airfield Goessel, KS
3KS5 High Point Valley Center, KS
SN83 Highcrest Air Park Lansing, KS
28KS Highland Farm Rantoul, KS
KHLC HLC HLC Hill City Muni Hill City, KS
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Dauntless Aviation

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