Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Kansas


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
0KS7 Mono Aircraft Cheney, KS
67KS Montezuma Coop Montezuma, KS
K17 Montezuma Muni Montezuma, KS
SN48 Moore Fld (Closed) Byers, KS
0KS6 Moore Homestead Hays, KS
8KS0 Morgan Farms Ulysses, KS
K61 Moritz Meml Beloit, KS
47K Moundridge Muni Moundridge, KS
SN79 Muni Office Bldg Heliport (Closed) Kansas City, KS
3KS2 Munson Fld Arkansas City, KS
49KS N & N Manhattan, KS
29KS Navrat (Closed) Lincolnville, KS
2K7 Neodesha Muni Neodesha, KS
89KS Neosho Meml Rgnl Hospital Heliport Chanute, KS
48K Ness City Muni Ness City, KS
8KS1 Neu Fld Basehor, KS
KIXD JCI IXD New Century Aircenter Olathe, KS
6KS1 Newman Rgnl Health Heliport Emporia, KS
KEWK EWK EWK Newton-City-County Newton, KS
23KS Ney (Closed) Bonner Springs, KS
5KS9 Ney Ultralight Bonner Springs, KS
0KS4 Norris Lawrence, KS
KNRN NRN Norton Muni Norton, KS
49K Norwich Norwich, KS
KOEL OEL Oakley Muni Oakley, KS
0KS5 Oasis Aerodrome Great Bend, KS
KOIN OIN OIN Oberlin Muni Oberlin, KS
SN40 Olson Aerodrome Derby, KS
53K Osage City Muni Osage City, KS
K75 Osborne Muni Osborne, KS
K67 Oswego Muni Oswego, KS
KOWI OWI OWI Ottawa Muni Ottawa, KS
SN54 Overland Park Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Overland Park, KS
SN23 Overmiller (Closed) Smith Center, KS
55K Oxford Muni Oxford, KS
96KS Palmer Fld Glasco, KS
39KS Papas Dream Parsons, KS
66KS Patterson Farms Independence, KS
9K6 Patty Fld El Dorado, KS
8K7 Paul Windle Muni (Closed) Greensburg, KS
0KS8 Pearce Fld Parsons, KS
KTOP TOP TOP Philip Billard Muni Topeka, KS
73KS Philip Ranch Hays, KS
KPHG PHG Phillipsburg Muni Phillipsburg, KS
SN52 Pilot Pointe Estates Douglass, KS
8KS7 Pine Sod Ranch Stilwell, KS
2KS5 Plains Muni Plains, KS
0R9 Plainville Arpk (Closed) Plainville, KS
4KS4 Police Heliport (Closed) Wichita, KS
8KS8 Prairie Cottage Chapman, KS
KPTT PTT PTT Pratt Rgnl Pratt, KS
1KS4 Prichard Airstrip Enterprise, KS
76KS Prima (Closed) Scott City, KS
6KS9 Providence Medical Center Heliport Kansas City, KS
6KS1 Quinter Air Strip (Closed) Quinter, KS
48KS R F Roesner (Closed) Salina, KS
SN55 R J C Farms Inc Friend, KS
SN32 Rands Belle Plaine, KS
8KS4 Rans Hays, KS
65KS Rayl Heliport (Closed) Strong City, KS
3KS8 Reed-Wilsonton Altamont, KS
KGLD GLD GLD Renner Fld/Goodland Muni Goodland, KS
6KS0 Republic County Hospital Heliport Belleville, KS
98KS Rexford Montezuma, KS
4KS4 Rhodes Airfield Winfield, KS
55KS Ringneck Ranch Tipton, KS
1KS2 Risky Easton, KS
77KS Riverbend Ranch Augusta, KS
K32 Riverside (Closed) Wichita, KS
06KS Riverside Hospital Airlift Heliport Wichita, KS
SN95 Roberts Air Fld Sylvia, KS
SN62 Roberts Fld Bentley, KS
SN04 Roberts Meml Emporia, KS
56KS Robinson Heliport (Closed) Garden City, KS
04KS Robinson Industries Heliport (Closed) Lawrence, KS
3KS3 Rogers Udall, KS
39KS Rolling Meadows (Closed) Worden, KS
93KS Ronnebaum Airfield Seneca, KS
7KS1 Rooks County Health Center Heliport Plainville, KS
KRCP RCP Rooks County Rgnl Stockton, KS
9KS4 Rose Port Inc Ionia, KS
SN34 Rucker Clearwater, KS
SN29 Rucker Burdett, KS
2KS0 Rupp (Closed) Sedan, KS
2KS1 Rush (Closed) Severance, KS
K94 Rush County La Crosse, KS
9KS5 Rush Field (Closed) Geneseo, KS
KRSL RSL RSL Russell Muni Russell, KS
K83 Sabetha Muni Sabetha, KS
KSLN SLN SLN Salina Rgnl Salina, KS
SN73 Salina Rgnl Health Center Heliport Salina, KS
85KS Sanders Winchester, KS
1K9 Satanta Muni Satanta, KS
38KS Savute (Closed) Kechi, KS
SN14 Schoolcraft (Closed) Agricola, KS
19KS Schultz Fld Heliport Chanute, KS
KTQK TQK TQK Scott City Muni Scott City, KS
61K Sedan City Sedan, KS
35KS Selby Farm (Closed) Derby, KS
62K Seneca Muni Seneca, KS
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