Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Kentucky


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
6KY4 Adair Fountain Run, KY
KEKX EKX EKX Addington Fld Elizabethtown, KY
15KT Ae109 Heliport Manchester, KY
24KY Ae-62 Heliport Bowling Green, KY
9KY2 Ae-92 Heliport Hardinsburg, KY
52KY Air Castle Paris, KY
5JY9 Air Evac 116 Heliport Inez, KY
06KY Air Evac 133 Heliport Williamstown, KY
9KY6 Airevac 33 Heliport Middlesboro, KY
8KY0 Alberta Ultralight (Closed) Alberta, KY
6KY7 Alexander Field (Closed) Hickman, KY
51KY Appalachian Rgnl Hospital Heliport Whitesburg, KY
65KY Arh Heliport Middlesboro, KY
1KY9 Arh Tri City Clinic Heliport Cumberland, KY
0KY1 Arnemann Farms Franklin, KY
36KY Arnolds Springfield, KY
KDWU DWU DWU Ashland Rgnl Ashland, KY
8JY8 Augustus Hill Heliport Paris, KY
47KY B M H Heliport Hardinsburg, KY
93KY Baggett Farms (Closed) Sacramento, KY
98KY Baptist Health Corbin Heliport Corbin, KY
53KY Baptist Health Hamburg Heliport Lexington, KY
1KY1 Baptist Health Hardin Heliport Elizabethtown, KY
2KY9 Baptist Health La Grange Heliport La Grange, KY
1KY4 Baptist Health Lexington Heliport Lexington, KY
60KY Baptist Health-Madisonville Heliport Madisonville, KY
09KY Baptist Hospital East Heliport Louisville, KY
7KY5 Barbourville Arh Heliport Barbourville, KY
KPAH PAH PAH Barkley Rgnl Paducah, KY
23KY Barnes Farm Burna, KY
57KY Belcher Rgnl Belcher, KY
91KY Big 'G' Heliport (Closed) Louisa, KY
KSJS SJS Big Sandy Rgnl Prestonsburg, KY
33KY Bigger (Stol) Utica, KY
33KY Bigger (Stol) Stolport (Closed) Utica, KY
KLEX LEX LEX Blue Grass Lexington, KY
KLSD LSD Blue Grass Station AHP Heliport (Closed) Lexington, KY
14KY Blue Haven Farm Paris, KY
07KY Blue Lick Louisville, KY
27KY Bogle Farm Heliport (Closed) Bowling Green, KY
02KY Boone Ntl Guard Heliport Frankfort, KY
08KY Boss Burnside, KY
0KY9 Bourbon Community Hospital Heliport Paris, KY
KBWG BWG BWG Bowling Green-Warren County Rgnl Bowling Green, KY
KLOU LOU LOU Bowman Fld Louisville, KY
0KY5 Boyce Wafer Farm Bowling Green, KY
28KY Brandon Airdrome Murray, KY
I93 Breckinridge County Hardinsburg, KY
15KY Brennan Farm (Closed) Paris, KY
73KY Brooks Fld Brooks, KY
20KT Brushy Fork Fld Mcdaniels, KY
76KY Buzzard's Roost Lawrenceburg, KY
8KY6 Caintuckee Independence, KY
6KY5 Caldwell County Hospital Heliport Princeton, KY
0KY4 Cambron Field (Closed) Owensboro, KY
KHOP HOP HOP Campbell AAF (Fort Campbell) Fort Campbell/Hopkinsville, KY
KFFT FFT FFT Capital City Frankfort, KY
72KY Carr Williamsburg, KY
3KY5 Carroll County Hospital Heliport Carrollton, KY
05KY Cartersville Berea, KY
62LS Casey County Hospital Heliport Liberty, KY
40NK Central Government Center Heliport Louisville, KY
KRGA RGA Central Kentucky Rgnl Richmond, KY
19KY Charlie Bravos Dry Ridge, KY
8KT8 Cherry Hill Pleasureville, KY
3KY2 Chesnut Knolls (Closed) London, KY
22KY Churchill Downs Heliport Louisville, KY
KCVG CVG CVG Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Intl Covington, KY
89KY Clark Rgnl Medical Center Heliport (Closed) Winchester, KY
84KY Clarks Fld Hillsboro, KY
9KY0 Clay City Vol Fire Department Heliport Clay City, KY
0KY7 Clinton-Hickman County Clinton, KY
64KY Coal Fld Lexington, KY
99KY Colby Winchester, KY
5KY7 Colby Winchester, KY
I96 Columbia-Adair County Columbia, KY
1KY2 Community Methodist Hospital Heliport Henderson, KY
0KY2 Conley Bottom Resort Heliport Monticello, KY
29KY Cramer Aerodrome Ultralight (Closed) Hopkinsville, KY
3KY4 Craw Daddy Landing Carrollton, KY
95KY Crawford Ultralight Brodhead, KY
82CD Creech Heliport Lexington, KY
4KY1 Creek Side Landing Glasgow, KY
7KY9 Crittenden County Hospital Heliport Marion, KY
8KY4 Cumberland County Hospital Heliport Burkesville, KY
8KY3 Cummings Farms Airfield Franklin, KY
0I8 Cynthiana-Harrison County Cynthiana, KY
44I Dale Hollow Rgnl (Petro Field) (Closed) Albany, KY
80KY David Lowe Sacramento, KY
08KT Deaconess Union County Hospital Heliport Morganfield, KY
85KY Deer Run Airpark New Castle, KY
44KY Duff Chavies, KY
3KY7 Eagle's Nest (Closed) Battletown, KY
1KT8 Ephraim McDowell Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Danville, KY
67KY Estes (Closed) Florence, KY
2KT4 Eubank Fld Fountain Run, KY
06KY Falcon Heliport (Closed) Jackson, KY
3KY8 Fidelity Heliport Covington, KY
5KY1 Flaget Meml Hospital Heliport Bardstown, KY
0JY9 Fleming County Hospital Heliport Flemingsburg, KY
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