Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Kentucky


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
8M7 Tradewater Dawson Springs, KY
9KY8 Trigg County Hospital Heliport Cadiz, KY
I35 Tucker-Guthrie Meml Harlan, KY
16KY Ucmc Air Care Walton Heliport Walton, KY
37KY UK Hospital Heliport Lexington, KY
93KY UK Patient Care Heliport Lexington, KY
26KY University Hospital Heliport Louisville, KY
41KY Uofl Health - Jewish Hospital Heliport Louisville, KY
20KY Verona Landing Verona, KY
70KY Vine Grove Vine Grove, KY
KEKQ EKQ EKQ Wayne County Monticello, KY
30KY Wayne County Hospital Heliport Monticello, KY
4KY5 Weavers Run West Point, KY
35KY Welcome Fld Franklin, KY
KCPF CPF Wendell H Ford Hazard, KY
4KY3 West Heliport (Closed) Burlington, KY
5KY3 West Kentucky Airpark (Closed) Paducah, KY
9I3 West Liberty West Liberty, KY
25KY Western Baptist Hospital Heliport Paducah, KY
48KY Westlake Rgnl Hospital Heliport Columbia, KY
31KY Wild Blue Paris, KY
90KY Williams (Closed) Hodgenville, KY
24KY Williams Farm (Closed) Mortons Gap, KY
KBYL BYL Williamsburg-Whitley County Williamsburg, KY
3KY6 Williamson Arh Hospital Heliport South Williamson, KY
58KY Willow Island Airpark Finchville, KY
86KY Windys Central Heliport Bellevue, KY
43KY Wlky-Tv Studios Heliport Louisville, KY
2KY5 Womstead Fld Olive Hill, KY
82KY Woodledge Farm Crestwood, KY
94KY Woosley Rumsey, KY
96KY Woosley Fld Calhoun, KY
83KY Works Heliport Erlanger, KY
50KY Zanzibar Farm Paris, KY
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