Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Nebraska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
NE34 Fehringer Aerodrome Sidney, NE
NE94 Feik Fld Ultralight Friend, NE
2NE5 Fiese Airstrip (Closed) Gothenburg, NE
NE10 Flying C Heliport Elkhorn, NE
0NE9 Flying V Utica, NE
9NE2 Folkerts Carleton, NE
0NE6 Frager Field (Closed) Fairfield, NE
0NE4 Franklin County Meml Hospital Heliport Franklin, NE
8NE6 Franklin's Plainview Franklin, NE
KFET FET FET Fremont Muni Fremont, NE
NE95 Frenchman Culbertson, NE
36NE Frevert Airstrip Wausa, NE
NE15 Frontier Fld Maywood, NE
KOKS OKS OKS Garden County/King Rhiley Fld Oshkosh, NE
NE46 Gemini Heliport (Closed) Omaha, NE
97Y Genoa Muni Genoa, NE
89NE George (Closed) Hershey, NE
NE85 Glaser (Closed) Spalding, NE
76NE Good Samaritan Heliport Kearney, NE
KGRN GRN GRN Gordon Muni Gordon, NE
NE16 Gothenburg Meml Hospital Heliport Gothenburg, NE
KGTE GTE Gothenburg Muni Gothenburg, NE
1V2 Grant County Hyannis, NE
KGGF GGF Grant Muni Grant, NE
NE22 Great Plains Rgnl Med Ctr Heliport North Platte, NE
NE46 Greeley Muni Greeley, NE
31NE Grimm Farm (Closed) Crofton, NE
22NE Grone (Closed) Davenport, NE
5K3 H. J. Paul AHP Heliport (Closed) Camp Ashland(Ashland), NE
68NE Hall-Feld Davey, NE
49NE Harden Airstrip (Closed) North Platte, NE
H63 Harlan County Lake Seaplane Base Alma, NE
9V3 Harrison Skyranch (Closed) Harrison, NE
0B4 Hartington Muni/Bud Becker Fld Hartington, NE
08K Harvard State Harvard, NE
KHSI HSI HSI Hastings Muni Hastings, NE
NE80 Hausmann Airfield Roca, NE
NE99 Hawkins Ranch (Closed) Arthur, NE
4V6 Hay Springs Muni Hay Springs, NE
75NE Heaton Fort Calhoun, NE
KHJH HJH HJH Hebron Muni Hebron, NE
27NE Hendricks Fld Grant, NE
NE89 Herberts Farm (Closed) Winnetoon, NE
NE64 Hershey Flying Service Fld Hershey, NE
84NE Hewetts (Closed) Beaver City, NE
1NE0 Higgins Bros Brownlee, NE
13NE Hock Culbertson, NE
6NE9 Hoesel (Closed) Callaway, NE
4NE9 Holzfaster's Paxton, NE
KMHN MHN 84NE Hooker County Mullen, NE
6NE8 Hoppy's Benkelman, NE
19NE Hoyt Mc Cook/Culbertson, NE
NE81 Huffy's Spencer, NE
HBO NE55 Humboldt Hospital Heliport (Closed) Humboldt, NE
03NE Hyde Ranch (Closed) Comstock, NE
NE71 Immanuel Medical Center Heliport Omaha, NE
KIML IML IML Imperial Muni Imperial, NE
72NE J&J (Closed) Springfield, NE
6NE5 Jan Pad Heliport (Closed) Lincoln, NE
46NE Jantzen Madrid, NE
17NE Jefferson County Meml Hospital Heliport Fairbury, NE
KLXN LXN LXN Jim Kelly Fld Lexington, NE
2NE2 Johnson County Hospital Heliport Tecumseh, NE
2NE0 Johnson Lake Elwood, NE
9NE4 Johnston Fld Lindsay, NE
42V Jones Benkelman, NE
NE28 Jubilee Heliport (Closed) Omaha, NE
11NE Kaan (Closed) Harrison, NE
KEAR EAR EAR Kearney Rgnl Kearney, NE
NE77 Kearney Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Kearney, NE
KIBM IBM Kimball Muni/Robert E Arraj Fld Kimball, NE
87NE Knox Landing York, NE
NE78 Kohles Norfolk, NE
NE51 Kohles (Closed) Martell, NE
NE44 Koinzan Elgin, NE
NE49 Koke Gretna, NE
16NE Korver Panama, NE
NE45 Krause Ansley, NE
NE75 Kristijanto Airstrip Dakota City, NE
NE18 Krutz (Closed) Seward, NE
2NE7 Kumor Grant, NE
67NE L J Bose Airstrip (Closed) Orleans, NE
22NE Lakeside Hospital Heliport Omaha, NE
40NE Landgren Ranch Bartlett, NE
NE08 Larrabee Farm Lamar, NE
44NE Last Enchantment Heliport Davey, NE
08NE Laurel Muni (Closed) Laurel, NE
6NE7 Lee Fld Bartley, NE
7NE5 Lierley Farms Paxton, NE
NE53 Liesveld (Closed) Holland, NE
95NE Lightner Ranch Verdigre, NE
KLNK LNK LNK Lincoln Lincoln, NE
NE37 Loseke Airstrip Columbus, NE
0F4 Loup City Muni Loup City, NE
NE64 Luetkenhaus (Closed) Memphis, NE
4NE8 Malone M-Bar Ranch Palisade, NE
7K8 Martin Fld (Closed) So Sioux City, NE
NE90 Mary Lanning Meml Hospital Heliport Hastings, NE
04NE Mc Connell Fld Sarben, NE
KMCK MCK MCK Mc Cook Ben Nelson Rgnl Mc Cook, NE
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Dauntless Aviation

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