Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Nebraska


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
12K Superior Muni Superior, NE
NE35 Sutton Chester, NE
52NE Svitak (Closed) Morrill, NE
0NE3 Syracuse Hospital Heliport Syracuse, NE
0G3 Tecumseh Muni Tecumseh, NE
KTQE TQE TQE Tekamah Muni Tekamah, NE
KONL ONL ONL The O'Neill Muni-John L Baker Fld O'Neill, NE
28NE Thies (Closed) Randolph, NE
NE57 Thomas Liberty, NE
KTIF TIF Thomas County Thedford, NE
NE92 Thomsen Wymore, NE
23NE Tony Bob Heliport (Closed) Beatrice, NE
NE86 Traudt (Closed) Sutton, NE
NE26 Treadway Air Ashland, NE
5NE5 Trego (Closed) Sutherland, NE
9V2 Trenton Muni (Closed) Trenton, NE
5NE1 Trumbull Ranch (Closed) Ringgold, NE
61NE Univ of NE Medical Center Heliport Omaha, NE
48NE Valley Fire/Rescue Dist & Emerg Service Heliport Valley, NE
6NE0 Van Boening Wallace, NE
41NE Vandersnick (Closed) Ewing, NE
95NE W Meeks Ranch (Closed) Taylor, NE
KAHQ AHQ Wahoo Muni Wahoo, NE
64V Wallace Muni Wallace, NE
NE17 Walts Aerial Service (Closed) St Paul, NE
2NE8 Walvoord Fld Hickman, NE
NE39 Warbonnet Ag Strip (Closed) Davey, NE
37NE Watermeier Burr, NE
KLCG LCG Wayne Muni/Stan Morris Fld Wayne, NE
NE80 Weaver (Closed) Roca /Lincoln/, NE
3NE3 Wells Holdrege, NE
NE56 Werner Valley, NE
NE36 Werner Ranch Airfield Anselmo, NE
0D6 Wilber Muni (Closed) Wilber, NE
1NE2 Witthuhn Callaway, NE
NE06 Woolf Brothers Lynch, NE
8NE5 X1 Ranch Ericson, NE
KJYR JYR York Muni York, NE
1 2 3 4
Dauntless Aviation

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