Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Ohio


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
OH93 Darby Milford Center, OH
75OA Darby Dan (Closed) Columbus, OH
KVES VES VES Darke County Versailles, OH
OI08 Davies Air Fld (Closed) Wooster, OH
84OH Dayton Springfield Emergency Center Heliport Fairborn, OH
5D7 Dayton Transportation Center Heliport Dayton, OH
3I7 Dayton/Phillipsburg Dayton, OH
KMGY MGY MGY Dayton/Wright Brothers Dayton, OH
48OH Dechant Farms (Closed) Oberlin, OH
OH86 Deeds Field (Closed) Sugar Grove, OH
KDFI DFI DFI Defiance Meml Defiance, OH
12OA Defiance Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Defiance, OH
KDLZ DLZ Delaware Muni/Jim Moore Fld Delaware, OH
49OI Delaware Operations Heliport (Closed) Toledo, OH
2A7 Department of Transportation Heliport (Closed) Columbus, OH
6OI0 Derecsky (Closed) Auburn Center, OH
1OH7 Derry Landing Strip (Closed) Sonora, OH
6D7 Deshler Muni Landing Strip Deshler, OH
9OI1 Dice's Personal Heliport Maumee, OH
OI78 Diebleys (Closed) Fostoria, OH
OH47 District 9 Heliport Chillicothe, OH
OH80 District Nr 8 Heliport Lebanon, OH
55OH Donn Heliport (Closed) Westlake, OH
OH28 Donner Fld Leesburg, OH
05OI Dorlon Airpark Columbia Station, OH
1OA5 Double J (Closed) Fayetteville, OH
56OI Double S Farms Kipton, OH
1OH2 Dougherty Bellevue, OH
OH45 Drake Bowling Green, OH
42OH Dunn Fld Newton Falls, OH
69OH Dwight Field (Closed) Homer, OH
05OH Eaglecrest Fld Conesville, OH
OH02 Eaken's Landing Heliport Columbiana, OH
7OH0 East Liverpool City Hospital Heliport East Liverpool, OH
I86 Ed Newlon Fld New Lexington, OH
1G8 Eddie Dew Meml Airpark Toronto, OH
OI66 Eibling Circle E (Closed) Dola, OH
OH02 Eickmeier (Closed) Mc Clure, OH
81OH Elbel (Closed) Hamersville, OH
O74 Elliotts Landing Mount Victory, OH
1G1 Elyria Elyria, OH
1OA8 Erdy Farm (Closed) Kilbourne, OH
KPCW PCW PCW Erie-Ottawa Intl Port Clinton, OH
KTOL TOL TOL Eugene F Kranz Toledo Express Toledo, OH
00OH Exit 3 (Closed) Wauseon, OH
OH40 Eylesair Radnor, OH
KLHQ LHQ LHQ Fairfield County Lancaster, OH
4OA1 Fairfield Medical Center Heliport Lancaster, OH
OI41 Far View Hiram, OH
OI36 Farpoint Airfield Gratis, OH
35OI Fawcett Center For Tomorrow Heliport (Closed) Columbus, OH
I23 Fayette County Washington Court House, OH
11OH Fayette County Meml Hospital Heliport Washington Court House, OH
9OH8 Ferrell Findlay, OH
07OH Ferrell Flying Fld Heliport (Closed) Mason, OH
57OH Fillmans Farms Fld (Closed) Port Washington, OH
KFDY FDY FDY Findlay Findlay, OH
15OI Firelands Community Hospital Nr 1 Heliport (Closed) Sandusky, OH
OI87 Firelands Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Sandusky, OH
OH08 Fisher-Titus Medical Center Heliport Norwalk, OH
2OA5 Fl-Airfield Marysville, OH
60OA Flemming Fld Kinsman, OH
4OI0 Flower Hospital Heliport Sylvania, OH
OI12 Fly-a-Way Farm (Closed) Delaware, OH
OH20 Flyers Park Newark, OH
OI49 Flying Acres (Closed) Delaware, OH
79OI Flying J (Closed) Pitchin, OH
0OI0 Foltz Heliport East Canton, OH
9OH9 Forest Field (Closed) Forest, OH
OA15 Fort Hamilton Hospital Heliport Hamilton, OH
1OH4 Fortman (Closed) St Marys, OH
99OI Fostoria Community Hospital Heliport Fostoria, OH
KFZI FZI FZI Fostoria Metro Fostoria, OH
29OH Fox Magnolia, OH
7D6 Freedom Air Field (Closed) Freedom, OH
OH18 Freefall Fld Sycamore, OH
0OH5 Freeman Swank Farms Butler, OH
14G Fremont Fremont, OH
OI34 Fricke (Closed) Spring Valley, OH
1OA6 Frith (Closed) Morrow, OH
0OH8 Fry Piqua, OH
0OH6 Fry Fld Spring Valley, OH
OA21 Fuller Heliport (Closed) Chagrin Falls, OH
KUSE USE USE Fulton County Wauseon, OH
OH73 Fulton County Health Center Heliport Wauseon, OH
5OH9 Furey Malvern, OH
35OH Gainey Heliport Massillon, OH
22OH Galenstein Park Heliport Blue Ash, OH
01OI Galion Community Hospital Heliport Galion, OH
KGQQ GQQ GQQ Galion Muni Galion, OH
OH70 Gallenstein Heliport Indian Hill, OH
KGAS GAS Gallia-Meigs Rgnl Gallipolis, OH
0OI3 Galloway (Closed) Sandusky, OH
7D8 Gates Garrettsville, OH
93OH Gay (Closed) Atwater, OH
2G2 Geary a Bates/Jefferson County Airpark Steubenville, OH
7G8 Geauga County Middlefield, OH
4OH2 Genesis Health Care Heliport Zanesville, OH
OH60 Gerker Airfield Fort Jennings, OH
7D9 Germack Geneva, OH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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